2414 County Local Laws
(i) The organization and adequacy of law enforcement and the
administration of justice.
(ii) Such other matters as the Commission may determine to be
relevant to the prevention and control of crime and the achievement of
fair and effective law enforcement.
2. The Commission shall develop standards and make recommenda-
tions for:
(i) Increasing the level of education and training of police personnel
and the qualifications necessary for appointment to the police force.
(ii) Improving the organization and techniques of the police force
and providing it with the best equipment and facilities available.
(iii) Educating the community at large to the problems encountered
by the police and other law enforcement authorities, promoting respect
for law and achieving community involvement in the field of law enforce-
(iv) Coordinating the programs and activities of the police force
and those of appropriate public and private organizations.
(v) Promoting better public understanding of the causes of crime,
and of the means, in addition to law enforcement activities, of preventing
and controlling crime.
(vi) Expediting the handling of criminal cases, at every stage from
arrest to completion of trial.
(vii) Carrying out other programs and activities designed to pre-
vent and control crime or to achieve fair and effective law enforcement.
(d) Inquiries; cooperation of County departments and agencies.
All departments and agencies of the Montgomery County Government
shall cooperate with the Commission and furnish it such information and
assistance, not inconsistent with law, as it may require in the performance
of its functions and duties. The Commission shall establish liaison and
cooperate with any similar body constituted to study law enforcement
and the administration of justice throughout the nation, the Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments, and the State of Maryland (when
created). It shall consult, as may be appropriate, with the members of the
Maryland Judiciary and their staffs concerning matters of common
(e) Task forces; recommendations to Commission.
(i) The Chairman of the Commission, after consultation with
other members, and at such times as the Commission may deem appro-
priate, shall constitute task forces composed of persons who are author-
ities in professional or technical fields related to law enforcement or
administration of justice, or persons representative of the general public
who are leaders in activities concerned with these areas.
(ii) The task forces shall furnish the Commission information,
advice and recommendations with respect to the functions set forth in
subsection (c) hereof and shall engage in such other activities as the
Commission may deem appropriate.
(f) The Commission shall make reports and recommendations to
the County Executive from time to time as it deems suitable. In any event,
it shall present a report and recommendations contained therein annually.