Montgomery County 2327
parts of the Article or their application to other persons or circumstances.
It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that this Article would
have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional provision,
sentence, clause, section or part had not been included therein, and if the
person or circumstances to which the Article or any part thereof is
inapplicable had been specifically exempted therefrom.
Section 30. Effective date.
This Act shall take effect December 7, 1970.
Chapter 35
(Bill No. 36-69)
An Act to amend Chapter 73, title "Administration," of the Mont-
gomery County Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with amend-
ments, Section 73-12, title "Department of public works—Functions
generally," Section 73-13, title "Same—Direction; appointment of
director," Section 73-21, title "Functions and duties," Section 73-23,
title "Facilities and services"; Chapter 79, title "Building Code," of
the Montgomery County Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with
amendments, Section 79-28, title "Section 127.0 amended"; Chapter
84, title "Finance and Taxation," of the Montgomery County Code
1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 84-1,
title "Financial advisory committee"; Chapter 85, title "Fire Depart-
ments," of the Montgomery County Code 1965, by repealing and
re-enacting subsection (f) of Section 85-1, title "minimum standards
for fire departments," Section 85-2, title "Notice of compliance with
Section 85-1"; Chapter 86, title "Fire Prevention Code," of the Mont-
gomery County Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with amend-
ments, Section 86-4, title "Administration and enforcement of
chapter," Section 86-19, title "Annual report of fire marshal"; Chapter
95, title "Plumbing and Gas Fitting," of the Montgomery County
Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, subsection
(a) of Section 95-13, title "Administration of chapter; right of entry";
Chapter 96, title "Police," of the Montgomery County Code 1965, by
repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, subsections (a) and (j)
of Section 96-5, title "Superintendent of police generally"; Chapter
98, title "Quarries," of the Montgomery County Code 1965, by repeal-
ing and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 98-2, title "Enforce-
ment of chapter"; Chapter 101, title "Slaughterhouses," of the Mont-
gomery County Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with amend-
ments, Section 101-2, title "Enforcement of Chapter"; Chapter 102,
title "Solicitors", of the Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended,
by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 102-1, title
"Definitions," and Section 102-2, title "Enforcement of chapter";
Chapter 106, title "Taxicabs," of the Montgomery County Code 1965,
by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 106-2, title
"Enforcement of chapter," and Section 106-49, title "Same—Notice
and hearing"; Chapter 109, title "Weapons," of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, as amended, by repealing and re-enacting, with
amendments, Section 109-3, title "Range approval committee estab-
lished; powers, duties and functions"; and Chapter 113, title "Elm
Disease," of the Montgomery County Code 1965 by repealing and
re-enacting, with amendments, Section 113-2, title "Administration