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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2153   View pdf image
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North Beach                                     2153

tion, the Town may use its condemnation powers provided in Section 92.
Any violation of an ordinance passed under the provisions of this section
may be made a misdemeanor.

74.    (Entering on County Public Ways): The Town may enter upon
or do construction in, on, or over any county public way for the purpose of
installing or repairing any equipment or doing any other things necessary
to establish, operate, and maintain the water system, water plant, sani-
tary sewerage system, sewage treatment plant, or storm water sewers pro-
vided for in this Charter. Unless required by the county, the Town need
not obtain any permit or pay any charge for these operations, but it must
notify the county of its intent to enter on the public way and must leave
the public way to a condition not inferior to that existing before.

75.    (Connections): The Town shall provide a connection with
water and sanitary sewer mains for all property abutting on any public
way in which a sanitary sewer or water main is laid. When any water
main or sanitary sewer is declared ready for operation by the Town, all
abutting property owners after reasonable notice shall connect all fixtures
with the water or sewer main. The Town may require that, if it considers
existing fixtures unsatisfactory, satisfactory ones be installed and may
require that all cesspools, sinkdrains, and privies be abandoned, filled, re-
moved or left in such a way as not to injure public health. All wells found
to be polluted or a menace to health may be ordered to be abandoned and
closed. Any violation of an ordinance passed under the provisions of this
section may be made a misdemeanor.

76.    (Charge for Connections): The Town may make a charge, the
amount to be determined by the Council, for each connection made to the
Town's water or sewer mains. This charge shall be uniform throughout
the Town, but may be changed from year to year. Arrangements for the
payment of this charge shall be made before the connection is made.

77.    (Improper Uses): In order to prevent any leakage or waste of
water or other improper use of the Town's water system or sewage dis-
posal system, the Town may require such changes in plumbing, fixtures,
or connections as it deems necessary to prevent such waste or improper

78.    (Private Systems): The Town may by ordinance provide that
no water supply, sewerage, or storm water drainage system, and no water
mains, sewers, drains, or connections therewith, shall be constructed or
operated by any person or persons, firm, corporation, institution, or com-
munity, whether upon private premises or otherwise, and may provide that
cesspools or other private methods of sewage disposal shall be operated
and maintained in such a manner that they do not and will not be likely
to affect adversely the public comfort and health, and any cesspool or
other private method of sewage disposal affecting or likely to affect ad-
versely the public comfort and health may be deemed a nuisance and may
be abated by the Town. Any violation of an ordinance passed under the
provisions of this section may be made a misdemeanor.

79.    (Extensions Beyond Boundaries): The Town shall have the
power to extend its water or sewerage systems beyond the Town limits.

80.    (Right of Entry): Any employee or agent of the Town, while in
the necessary pursuit of his official duties with regard to the water or
sewage disposal systems operated by the Town, shall have the right of
entry, for access to water or sewer installations, at all reasonable hours,


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Session Laws, 1971
Volume 707, Page 2153   View pdf image
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