104 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 35
(House Bill 120)
AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the State Govern-
ment and for the aid of sundry schools and institutions and for
other purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth and subject to
the Public General Laws of Maryland relating to the Budget pro-
cedure, the several amounts hereinafter specified, or so much thereof
as snail be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are
hereby appropriated and authorized to be disbursed for salaries,
wages, technical and special fees and all other expenses for the de-
partments, boards, commissions and officers of the State, and to the
respective schools and institutions, and for the several purposes
specified for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1971, and ending June
30, 1972, as hereinafter indicated.
PAYMENTS OF REVENUE TO CIVIL DIVISIONS OF THE STATE Share of Franchise Tax on Net Earnings of Sav-
ings Bank and Buildings, Savings and Loan
To Baltimore City and the counties of the State:
The respective shares due them in accordance
with Article 81, Section 128 (e) of the 1957
Annotated Code and the 1970 Cumulative
Supplement the amount shown herein being
an estimate, it being the intention that the
amount to be distributed shall be the actual
share of the revenue received.
Special Fund Appropriation.......................... 1,262,000 Share of Tax on Admissions
To Baltimore City, the Counties and the Incor-
porated Towns of the State: The respective
shares due them of the State Tax on Admis-
sions to places of amusement in accordance
with the provisions of Article 81, Section 402,
of the 1957 Annotated Code, and the 1970
Cumulative Supplement, whether the same
be more or less than this estimate.
Special Fund Appropriation.......................... 1,203,840 Share of Alcoholic Beverages Excise Tax
To Baltimore City and the Counties of the State:
The respective shares due them of the Alco-
holic Beverages Excise Tax in accordance with
the provisions of Article 2B, Section 134, of
the 1957 Annotated Code and the 1970 Cumu-
lative Supplement, whether the same be more
or less than this estimate.
Special Fund Appropriation.......................... 4,667,000 Share of State Tobacco Tax
To Baltimore City and the several Counties of
the State: The respective shares due them
from State Tobacco Tax in accordance with