1004 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 456
(f) The Secretary of Licensing and Regulation may investigate
and/or hold hearings concerning any complaint or grievance about
the operation of any department or other unit included within the
Department of Licensing and Regulation, and report his findings to
the Governor.
(b) The Secretary of Economic and Community Development
shall also have attached to his office such assistants, professional
consultants and employees as are provided for in the State budget. He
may establish areas of responsibility within his office and designate
assistants to be in charge of such areas. All staff [assistant] assist-
ants in the Secretary's office in charge of particular areas of respon-
sibility, and all professional consultants shall serve at the pleasure
of the Secretary. All other employees of the Secretary's office, unless
otherwise provided by law, shall be appointed and removed by the
Secretary in accordance with the provisions of Article 64A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.
There shall be established and continued a Seafood Marketing
Authority and a Division of Market Development as the same Sea-
food Marketing Authority and Division of Market Development of
the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs hitherto existing. The
Seafood Marketing Authority and Division of Market Development
shall be part of the Department of Economic and Community De-
velopment. Said Seafood Marketing Authority and Division of Market
Development shall have the powers, duties, responsibilities, and func-
tions provided in the laws of this State for the establishment in the
Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs for a Market Development
Section. All references in this Code, in any other laws of this State,
or in ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, legal actions, direc-
tives or documents to the Market Development Section of the De-
partment of Chesapeake Bay Affairs shall be deemed to mean the
Seafood Marketing Authority and the Division of Market Develop-
ment. From and after September 1, 1970, all rights, powers, duties,
obligations and functions, heretofore conferred upon or exercised
by the Seafood Marketing Authority and/or the Division of Market
Development of the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs shall be
transferred to and exercised by the Seafood Marketing Authority
and Division of Market Development of the Department of Economic
and Community Development and subject to the authority of the
Secretary of Economic and Community Development as set forth in
this Code. All persons who are, as of August 31, 1970, employees of
the Seafood Marketing Authority and/or the Division of Market
Development of the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs shall be
transferred to the Seafood Marketing Authority and Division of
Market Development of the Department of Economic and Community
Development in the same position and classification which they hold
as of August 31, 1970; and if said employees are members of the
merit system, they shall retain their merit system status. All books,
papers, files, records, furniture, fixtures, and all other personal prop-
erty owned by or in the custody, as of August 31, 1970, of the Sea-
food Marketing Authority and/or the Division of Market Develop-
ment of the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs shall be trans-