Volume 703, Page 520 View pdf image |
520 or required In Witness whereof the Party first above mentioned hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written Benjamin Tasker seal signed sealed and delivered in presence of Geo Steuart Walter Battison On the back of the aforegoing Deed it is thus Written Viz.t Received the day and year within mentioned by the within named Dan.l of S.t Thomas Jenifer the sum of Seventeen hundred pounds sterling being the Consideration Money within Expressed Witness Benjamin Tasker Geo Steuart February 6.th 1765 Came before me George Steuart Esq.r one of the Justices of the Provincial Court the within named Benjamin Tasker Esq.r and acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and Deed & the Land & premisses therein mentioned to be the Estate of the within named Dan.l of S.t Thomas Jenifer his Heirs or assignes according to the act of Assembly in that Case made and Provided Geo Steuart Reced of Major Dan.l of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Three pounds seven shillings and one pence half pence sterling for his Lordships use it being the alienation fine of 1410 acres Land in Belleer 167 in Woodcocks Range and 100 acres part of Enfeild Chase on the within mentioned Land I say rec.d P Benj.a Beall Recorded 7.th day of March 1765 5 Ex.d This Indenture made the Fourth day of Feb.ry in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty & five Between Major Daniel of S.t Thomas Jenifer of the one part & Benjamin Tasker Esq.r of the other part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of One thousand seven hundred pounds ster to him in hand paid by the said Benjamin Tasker the receipt whereof the said Jenifer doth hereby acknowledge and of ever part and parcel thereof absolutely acquit the s.d Benjamin Tasker Esq.r his Ex.rs Administrators or Assigns Hath Granted Bargained and sold and by these Presents Doth Grant Bargain and sell unto the said Benjamin Tasker all those Tracts or parcels of Land formerly belonging to Co.l Benjamin Tasker called Bel Air containing by Estimation about sixteen hundred seventy & Seven Acres lying and being in Prince Georges County adjoining and contiguous to each other with all Buildings Improvements profits Comoditys advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging To have and to hold the said Tracts or parcels of Land and premises and every part thereof to the said Benjamin Tasker his Heirs and Assignes for ever to his and their own use and uses and to no other use or uses whatsoever In Witness whereof the party first above mentioned has hereunto set his Hand and seal the day and year first above written Dan of S.t Tho.s Jenifer seal Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Geo Steuart Walter Battison On the back of the foregoing Deed it is thus written Viz.t Received the day & year w.thin named Benj.n Tasker the sum of One thousand seven hundred pounds ster being the Consideration money within Expressed Dan.l of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Witness George Steuart Feb.ry 7.th 1765 came before me George Steuart Esq.r one of the Justices of the Prov.l Court the w.thin named Daniel of S.t Tho.s Jenifer and acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and Deed and the Land and premisses |
Volume 703, Page 520 View pdf image |
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