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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 567   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                         567

sediment control program for the Patuxent River Watershed and
enacting a sediment control program applicable statewide requir-
ing review AND APPROVAL by the appropriate soil conservation
district and IN SOME CASES BY THE Department of Natural
Resources of PLANS FOR certain activities disturbing land;
providing further for revising the shore erosion control pro-
gram by eliminating the need for county commissioners to pro-
vide engineering services, transferring state responsibility for pro-
gram from the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs to the De-
partment of Natural Resources, authorizing the Department of
Natural Resources to perform engineering and review activity
related to the program, authorizing the Department of Natural
Resources to engage in other activities relating to the shore ero-
sion program, and in lieu of previous arrangements for funding
control projects creating a Shore Erosion Control Construction
Fund to provide loans for construction of projects; and relating
generally to soil erosion and sediment deposits which affect the
waters of this State.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,

That Section 91(a), 91(b), 91(c) and 102A of Article 66C of the

Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1967 Replacement Vol-
ume and 1969 Cumulative Supplement), title "Natural Resources,"
subtitle "Agriculture," subheading "Soil Conservation Districts," be

and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to

read as follows:

There is hereby established, in the [State Board of Agriculture

and the Regents of the University of Maryland] Department of
Natural Resources,
to serve as an agency of the State and to perform
the functions conferred upon it in this subheading and
elsewhere in

the laws of the State of Maryland, the State Soil Conservation

Committee. The following shall serve as members of the Committee:

the Secretary of Natural Resources or his designee from the Depart-

ment of Natural Resources who shall serve as chairman of the

committee, the Director of the Maryland Experiment Station, the
Director of the Maryland Agricultural Extension Service, [the Di-
rector of the Maryland Department of State Forests and Parks],

the chairman of the State Board of Agriculture, or other member of

the Board he may designate, the dean of agriculture of the University
of Maryland, [the Director of the
Department of Game and Inland
Fish, the Director of the Department of Water Resources, the
tor of the Department of Che
sapeake Bay Affairs] the Chairman of
the Maryland State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Com-

mittee, United States Department of Agriculture who shall serve ex

officio, the president of the Maryland association of soil conservation
districts, three soil conservation district supervisors representing
different geographic areas of the State from soil conservation dis
tricts organized in Maryland according to the provisions of this
subheading [,] to be appointed by the [State Board of Agriculture]
Secretary of Natural Resources, four
other persons who may but
need not be officers of the Department of Natural Resources to be
appointed by the Secretary of Natural Resources,
and the principal
officer for Maryland of the Soil Conservation Service,

State Soil Conservation Committee.



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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 567   View pdf image
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