2084 Joint Resolutions
thorized the creation of a State debt of Thirteen Million Dollars for
the design and construction of one or more diked disposal areas to
receive the dredging spoil from the Baltimore Harbor Channel
project; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Board
of Public Works is hereby highly commended for their deep concern
for the preservation of Maryland's natural resources and heritages;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is most strongly urged
to ban any further disposal of contaminated spoil material in the
Kent Island Spoil Disposal Area north of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge,
and to permanently bar the overboard dumping of any materials in
the deep parts of the Bay off Kent Island located south of the Bay
Bridge; and be it further
Resolved, That the Board of Public Works is urged to undertake
reviews of existing studies and to request further studies of the
effects of overboard dumping of dredged spoils on circulation, salin-
ity, transportation of pollutants, and things of a like nature, before
the State makes further commitments for spoil disposal projects;
and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the members of
the Board of Public Works, the Secretary of the Department of
Natural Resources, and the Director of the Department of Water
Approved April 22, 1970.
No. 20
(House Joint Resolution 87)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Secretary of Natural Re-
sources to direct the Director of the Department of Game and In-
land Fish to expedite the reinvigoration of the Division of Ex-
Whereas, the great proportion of Maryland's land area has been
and will always remain in private ownership; and
Whereas, these private lands are now and will continue to be
heavily used for recreational purposes, including but not limited to
hunting, fishing, hiking, and the study of wildlife; and
Whereas, the Department of Game and Inland Fish has done little
to encourage and instruct private landowners to increase the na-
tural carrying capacity of their lands; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Secre-
tary of Natural Resources direct the Director of the Department of
Game and Inland Fish to expedite the reinvigoration of the Divi-
sion of Extension whose function shall be to initiate programs
designed to help landowners conserve and improve their property for
the above mentioned purposes; and be it further