MARVIN MANDEL, Governor 1383
fessional Engineers and Land Surveyors," to follow immediately-
after subsection (k) thereof, and to repeal and re-enact, with
amendments, Sections 4 and 12 of said Article and title of the
Code, amending the regulative laws applying to professional engi-
neers and professional land surveyors in order to ameliorate and
clarify certain qualification requirements for registration.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new subsection (1) be and it hereby added to Section 2 of
Article 75½ of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1968 Supplement),
title "Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors," to follow im-
mediately after subsection (k) thereof, and that Sections 4 and 12
of said Article and title of the Code be and they are hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, and all to read as follows:
(l) The term ''responsible charge," within the meaning and intent
of this Article, shall mean the direct control and personal direction
of the investigation, design, construction or operation of engineer-
ing work or of land surveying work requiring initiative, professional
skill and independent judgment. Responsible engineering or land
surveying teaching may be construed as responsible charge of im-
portant engineering or land surveying work.
[(a)] Each member of the Board shall be a citizen of the United
States and a resident of this State, and shall have been engaged in
the practice of the profession of engineering, or land surveying, for
at least twelve years, and shall have been in responsible charge of
important engineering work or important land surveying work for
at least five years.
[(b) The term "responsible charge," as used in this section, shall
mean the direct control and personal direction of the investigation,
design, construction or operation of engineering work or of land
surveying work requiring initiative, professional skill and independ-
ent judgment. Responsible engineering or land surveying teaching
may be construed as responsible charge of important engineering
work or land surveying work.]
Application for registration as a professional engineer, for certifi-
cation as an engineer-in-training, for registration as a professional
land surveyor or for certification as a land surveyor-in-training or
for registration as a property line surveyor shall be on a form pre-
scribed and furnished by the Board; shall contain statements made
under oath showing the applicant's education and a detailed sum-
mary of his technical experience; shall contain not less than five
references, of whom, for a professional engineer or engineer-in-
training applicant, three or more shall, unless excused by the Board,
be professional engineers having personal knowledge of his engi-
neering experience and, for a professional land surveyor or land
surveyor-in-training applicant, or for a property line surveyor ap-
plicant, three or more shall, unless excused by the Board, be pro-
fessional land surveyors having pers |