SPIRO T. AGNEW, Governor 79
seize any game, fish, or device being used unlawfully so found in
possession in violation of the law, and any game, fish, or device being
used unlawfully so taken shall be disposed of by the Director as he
may deem advisable for the best interest of the State.
123. Assistance from other officials.
All sheriffs, constables and police officers, and all officers appointed
by the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs, shall assist in enforc-
ing the game and fish laws of this State, and shall have all the powers
of a [game warden] Wildlife Officer. The provisions of this section
shall not apply to the Sheriff of Baltimore County.
124. Assistance of State's attorneys and sheriffs.
Whenever the Director shall require the assistance of the [divi-
sion or department in charge of tidewater fish and fisheries] Depart-
ment of Chesapeake Bay Affairs, he shall so advise that department,
which in turn shall instruct the officers of the said [tidewater fish-
eries force] Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs to forthwith
assist the Director or [game warden] Wildlife Officers in the en-
forcement of the game and fish laws of this State, and the Director
shall likewise have the right to call upon the State Police for such
assistance. Whenever the Director or [deputy game warden] Wild-
life Officer shall require the advice and assistance of the State's
attorneys and sheriffs of the several counties of this State or of Balti-
more City, it shall be the duty of such officers to render the required
assistance as in other State cases. The provisions of this section shall
not apply to the Sheriff of Baltimore County.
[125. "Deputy game warden" includes salaried game warden.
Whenever the term "deputy game warden" is used in this article,
it shall be construed to also include any salaried game warden.]
126. How and where obtained.
(b) Contents of application; fee of nonresidents.—The appli-
cant shall fill out, sign, and forward to the clerk of the court a blank
AN application to be furnished by the Director through the clerks of
said courts, or agents, stating the applicant's name, age, [color] race,
height, color of eyes and hair, occupation, and place of residence [of
the applicant] and social security number if available; application
for any such license may be made through the mails. The applicant,
if a nonresident of the State of Maryland, shall pay to the clerk of
the court or agent in which he files his or her application, the sum of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) as a license fee.
(c) Issuance of license.—If a resident of the State of Maryland,
the applicant [shall pay to the clerk of the court of the county, or
agent of which he is a resident, the sum of one dollar and seventy
five cents ($1.75) TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) THREE DOLLARS
($3.00) which shall entitle him to hunt in the county in which he
procures such license, and if the applicant shall desire a State-wide
license, he] shall pay a fee of five dollars and twenty five cents