COMPREHENSIVE Water Pollution Control Program
In conjunction with AS A PART OF the Comprehensive Water
Pollution Control Program, the State Health Department and the
Department of Water Resources shall submit a joint report to the
Governor and to the General Assembly by not later than June 1, 1969,
on the water quality monitoring, data processing, and laboratory
services needed to meet the water pollution control and abatement
needs of the State. The report shall include proposals and recom-
mendations for legislative and administrative action in the field of
water pollution control.
In conjunction with AS A PART OF the Comprehensive Water
Pollution Control Program, the Department of Water Resources shall
prepare a report recommending measures to control water pollution
caused by silt, acid mine drainage, agricultural drainage and indus-
trial waste not acceptable within sewage treatment plans. For each
of the pollutants specified in this section, the Department shall recom-
mend a specific plan for control including a designation of the State
agency that would most appropriately assume responsibility for im-
plementing such plan. The report of the Department shall be sub-
mitted to all concerned agencies and interests for comment. The report
and comments shall be submitted to the Governor and to the General
Assembly no later than June 1, 1969. The report shall include pro-
posals and recommendations for legislative and administrative ac-
tion to improve and implement the requirements of this section.
In conjunction with AS A PART OF the Comprehensive Water
Pollution Control Program, the State Department of Health and the
Department of Water Resources shall submit a joint report to the
Governor and to the General Assembly no later than June 1, 1969,
which shall summarize the water pollution control program for the
State. The report, which shall be prepared annually, shall include:
(1) Status of comprehensive county water supply and sewerage
plans developed in compliance with Section 387(c) of Article US of
the Annotated Code of Maryland.
(2) Status of implementation programs for achieving the water
quality standards of the State. Outstanding violations and the status
of correction shall be included.
(3) Status of interstate compacts and programs of interstate
(4) Status of studies and programs developed pursuant to this
(5) Description and status of related Federal plans and studies.
(6) Other State programs pertaining to water and related land
resources. The report shall include proposals and recommendations
for legislative and administrative action to improve and implement
the requirements of this section.