railroad car, passenger train, or other public conveyance may run,
or into which he may be brought by said car or other public con-
veyance; or in any county or city in the State in which he may be
found after said crimes, offenses or misdemeanors have been com-
mitted. And any person who shall commit any of the crimes, mis-
demeanors or offenses herein mentioned upon any steamboat, upon
the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, within the limits of this State,
and without the body of any county thereof, may be tried in any
court or before any justice of the peace of this State having juris-
diction of similar crimes, offenses and misdemeanors of the county
in which he may be arrested or into which he may be first brought.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 123 of Article 27
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1967 Replacement Volume),
title "Crimes and Punishments," subtitle "Drunkenness and Dis-
orderly Conduct," is hereby repealed and reenacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
Every person who shall [be found drunk, or acting] act in a dis-
orderly manner to the disturbance of the public peace, upon any
public street or highway, in any city, town or county in this State,
or at any place of public worship or public resort or amusement in
any city, town or county of this State, or in any store during business
hours, or in any elevator, lobby or corridor of any office building or
apartment house having more than three separate dwelling units
in any city, town or county of this State, and any person who drinks,
or has in his possession, any intoxicating beverages while in attend-
ance as a spectator or otherwise, at any place where an elementary
school, junior high school or high school athletic contest is taking
place, and creates a public disturbance shall be subject to a fine of
not more than fifty dollars, or be confined in jail for a period of not
more than sixty days or be both fined and imprisoned in the dis-
cretion of the court. ([Habitual offenders may be fined not more than
one hundred dollars or committed to jail or the Maryland House of
Correction for not more than six months. An habitual offender is
a person who shall have been convicted under the provisions of this
section five (5) times in the preceding twelve (12) months.] The
trial magistrates of the respective counties of this State shall have
concurrent jurisdiction over such offense with the circuit court for
their respective counties.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1968.
Approved April 10, 1968.
(Senate Bill 401)
AN ACT to waive the provisions of Section 9 of Chapter 159 of the
Acts of 1964, this provision already having been waived by Chap-
ter 569 of the Acts of 1966, said section relating to the time by
which projects contained in the General Construction Loan of 1964