Resolved, that the investigation be directed towards determining
whether the Legislative Council of Maryland should consider possible
legislation to control such practices; and, be it further,
Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent to the Medical-
Chirurgical Faculty and the Office of Consumer Protection.
Approved May 7, 1968.
No. 40
(House Joint Resolution 43)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Governor of Maryland to
Appoint a special Commission to Review and Prepare Recommen-
dations for Revision of the Public Library Law.
Whereas, It was the intent of the 1945 Public Libraries Law to
establish a strong statewide system of public libraries under the
leadership and supervision of the Division of Library Extension of
the State Department of Education; and
Whereas, The General Assembly of Maryland has enacted succes-
sive laws providing increased financial aid for the support of local
public library systems; and
Whereas, The enactment of these laws has resulted in the estab-
lishment of a public library system in every political subdivision of
the State; and
Whereas, Certain inadequacies in the 1945 law and a series of
local exemptions have resulted in a lack of clear delineation of the
respective responsibilities of the State and local political subdivi-
sions; and
Whereas, New developments in the output of information, educa-
tion attainment, communication and technology are creating needs
for new approaches to library and information resources and serv-
ices; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Governor is requested to appoint a special com-
mission to make a comprehensive study of the public library systems
throughout the State with particular reference to the current and
emerging library needs and the respective responsibilities of the State
and local political subdivisions; and be it further
Resolved, That the Commission recommend comprehensive legisla-
tion relating to its findings; and be it further
Resolved, That a preliminary report be made to the Governor and
the General Assembly prior to the 1969 Session of the General
Assembly; and be it further