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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 906   View pdf image (33K)
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906                             LAWS OF MARYLAND                      [CH. 392

(i) Knowingly, wilfully or fraudulently to counsel, advise, in-
duce or attempt to induce any judge whose duty it is to ascertain,
proclaim, announce or declare the result of any such election, to
give or make any false certificate, document, report, return or other
false evidence in relation thereof; or to refuse or neglect to comply
with his duty, or to violate any law regulating the same; or to receive
the vote of any person in any election district or precinct not
entitled to vote therein; or to refuse to receive the vote of any per-
sons entitled to vote therein;

(j) To aid, counsel, advise, procure or assist any voter, person
or judge to do any act by law forbidden, or in this Article consti-
tuted an offense;

(k) To wilfully omit to do any act by this Article directed to be

24-3. Neglect or fraud by officials.

If any judge, or any officer or official of registration, revision,
election or canvass or any member of any committee, or of the gov-
erning body, of any political party participating in primary elec-
tions under this article, or any delegate to a convention or party
executive, of whom any duty is required in this article, or by any
other election law of this State, shall be guilty of any wilful neglect
of such duty, or any corrupt or fraudulent conduct or practice in the
execution of the same, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun-
ished by imprisonment in jail for not less than thirty days nor more
than three years, or by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor
more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both such fine and

24-4. Election officials not serving.

Any person selected by any board as a judge, as hereinbefore in
this article provided, who shall fail or refuse to serve as such judge,
or who having been notified by said board to appear for examination
of his qualifications for judge, shall fail or refuse so to appear for
examination, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100)
and not more than three hundred dollars ($300), unless it shall ap-
pear that he was not qualified for such service or appearance for
such examination by reason of ill health, infirmity or old age.

24-5. Absence of election officials.

If any officer of registration shall without authorization absent
himself from the place of registration during the hours prescribed
by law for registering voters, or if any judge shall without urgent
necessity be late at the opening of the polls at any election or
shall absent himself therefrom during the election or during the
canvass of ballots or the making up of the returns, he shall upon
conviction thereof be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall
be punished by imprisonment in jail for not less than ten days nor
more than six months, or shall be fined not less than twenty dollars
($20) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500).

24-6. Election officials to follow majority action.

If at any registration of voters or revision thereof, any officer of
registration shall knowingly and wilfully admit any person to regis-


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Session Laws, 1967
Volume 681, Page 906   View pdf image (33K)
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