to the Montgomery County Code (1965 Edition), being Articles
17 and 16, respectively, of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, titles "Prince George's County" and Montgomery
County," subtitle "Washington Suburban Sanitary District, the
new section to follow Section 83-57 of the Public Local Laws of
Prince George's County and Section 71-4 of the Montgomery
County Code, respectively, concerning the employment and organ-
ization by the Commission of its staff.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That new Section 83-57A of the Public Local Laws of Prince
George's County (1963 Edition) and new Section 71-4A of the
Montgomery County Code (1965 Edition) being Articles 17 and 16,
respectively, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, titles
"Prince George's County" and "Montgomery County, subtitle
"Washington Suburban Sanitary District," be and they are hereby
added, to follow immediately after Sections 83-57 and 71-4 of the
respective Codes, and to read as follows:
(83-57A). (71-4A). Notwithstanding anything contained in
Section (83-57) (71-4) to the contrary, the Commission shall organ-
ize its staff in such manner as to promote the efficient disposition
of all matters within its jurisdiction. It may organize its staff into
departments or other divisional organizations, and it may establish
the office of and utilize a general manager, all as the Commission
may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this subtitle.
It shall have authority to appoint and prescribe the functions,
duties and responsibilities of such officers as a Secretary, a Treas-
urer, a Chief Engineer, and a General Counsel, and engineers, ac-
countants, attorneys, inspectors and, such engineering, legal, clerical
and other force and help as, from time to time, in its judgment may
be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this subtitle.
The Commission may appoint, discharge and fix the compensation
of all its employees, and in so doing shall observe the requirements
of the provisions of this subtitle concerning the merit system or
classified service.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1967.
Approved March 24, 1967.
(House Bill 312)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 144 of
Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and
1966 Supplement), title "Crimes and Punishments," subtitle
"Crimes and Punishments," subheading "False Pretenses, Bad
Checks, etc.," amending the law relating to false pretenses to give
the Municipal Court of Baltimore City jurisdiction where the
amount in question does not exceed $500.00.