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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1290   View pdf image (33K)
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1290                           LAWS OF MARYLAND                      [CH. 732

(1964 Replacement Volume), title "Justices of the Peace," subtitle
"Trial Magistrates System," be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:


(b) (1) Committing magistrates in Charles County shall receive
an annual salary of $3,000.00.

(2) In Charles County, justices of the peace shall receive annual
salaries of $600.00 each, except that the justice of the peace appointed
to sit in La Plata and Waldorf shall each receive annual salaries of
$1,000.00. The justice of the peace appointed to sit in La Plata shall
be appointed to sit as a substitute committing magistrate in La Plata
whenever necessary and shall receive, in addition to his annual salary,
the compensation provided in subsection (c) of Section 97B of this

(8) The salaries provided by this subsection shall be considered
minimum salaries only, and may be increased at any time by the
county Commissioners from county funds.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1966.

Approved May 6, 1966.

(House Bill 670)

AN ACT to repeal existing Section 40(q) of Article 10 of the An-
notated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1965 Supplement), title
"Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact," subtitle "State's At-
torney," and enacting a new Section 40(q) of Article 10 to stand
in lieu of the section being repealed, increasing, effective the
first Monday in January, 1967, the salary of the State's Attorney
in Prince George's County, increasing, as of the effective date of
this Act the number and salaries of the Assistant State's Attorneys
in Prince George's County, and providing that the State's Attorney
shall not engage in the private practice of law, the Deputy State's
Attorney and three of the Assistant State's Attorneys shall devote
full time and attention to the duties of their office, and authorizing
the Assistant State's Attorneys and the Deputy State's Attorney,
at the direction of the State's Attorney, to sign indictments and
criminal information and present cases to the grand juries, and
relating generally to the State's Attorney's office in Prince
George's County.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 40(q) of Article 10 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition, 1965 Supplement), title "Attorneys at Law and At-
torneys in Fact," subtitle "State's Attorney," be and it is hereby re-
pealed, and that a new Section 40 (q) to stand in lieu of the section
being repealed be and it is hereby enacted to read as follows:


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Session Laws, 1966
Volume 678, Page 1290   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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