J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1123
by such committee or by any of its members for any purposes for
which such committee exists or acts, and unless such treasurer is
first so appointed and maintained, it shall be unlawful and a viola-
tion of this article for a political committee, or any of its members,
to collect or receive or disburse money, or other valuable things, for
such purposes. The treasurer shall report contributions and expendi-
tures on the form prescribed in Section 223A of this Article and in
the manner required by Sections 214(b) and 223 of this Article.
(b) If the purpose of such political committee, directly or in-
directly, is to aid in the nomination or election of any candidate for
public office and if fifty dollars ($50) or more is disbursed for such
purpose, the treasurer of the political committee shall report, on the
form prescribed in Section 223A of this Article, a statement of con-
tributions and expenditures to the treasurer appointed by the candi-
date being so aided, which statement shall be included in the state-
ment of contributions and expenditures reported by the treasurer of
the candidate as provided in Sections 223 and 223A of this Article.
The treasurer appointed by the State central committee of any
party, or the treasurer appointed in any county or City of Baltimore
by the members of the State central committee for such county or
city of any party, or the treasurer appointed by the city committee
of Baltimore City of any party, may appoint one subtreasurer for
each voting precinct in the said county or city, as the case may be,
which subtreasurer is authorized to expend such money as may be
placed in his hands by the treasurer appointing him for such purposes
as are lawful under the provisions of this article and for no other
purpose, and it shall be the duty of every such subtreasurer to make
a report in writing under oath to the treasurer appointing him, stat-
ing in detail the amount of money placed in his hands by the said
treasurer and for what purposes the said money was expended by
him and to whom paid on the form prescribed in Section 223A of this
Article and in accordance with Section 223 of this Article; and it
shall be the duty of every such treasurer to file the report of every
subtreasurer appointed by him along with and as a part of the account
and statement required to be filed by such treasurer and to incorporate
into such treasurers report the total amounts of contributions and
expenditures contained in every subtreasurer's report under the pro-
visions of Sections 223 and 223A of this article.
(a) Any person who is a candidate for nomination for public
office or a candidate for public office may make voluntary contribu-
tions or payment of money to any treasurer or [political agent] sub-
treasurer, subject to the provisions and restrictions of this article
and for any of the purposes permitted by this article and for no other
(b) [Expenses. Any person WHO IS a candidate for nomination
for public office or a candidate for public office may pay his own ex-
penses for postage, telegrams, telephoning, stationery, printing, ad-
vertising, radio and television programs, publishing, expressage,
travel and board.
(c)] It is unlawful for a candidate for nomination or a candidate
for public office, directly or indirectly, during any calendar year or