Volume 672, Page 541 View pdf image (33K) |
INDEX 541 Retirement Systems—Continued Chap. Page Members having employers other than State ................ 33 72 Officials entitled to other pensions .................................... 178 437 Prior service credit; previous service in State Police 149 387 School bus operators—Time for retirement ...................... 4 6 State Police— Appropriation for .................................................................... 68 128 "Average final compensation" ............................................ 38 76 Special fund expenditures .................................................. 84 264 State Police Pension Fund—Credit in Employees' System 149 387 Appropriation to .................................................................... 68 189 Attachment of funds ............................................................ 170 431 Contributions withdrawn and redeposited ...................... 119 322 Optional allowances ............................................................ 171 432 Prior service credit; emergency certificate .................... 118 320 Revenue Estimates—Appropriation to Board of .................. 68 134 Roads— Bonds for, authorized; new road program............................ 84 264 Bond funds for office building .............................................. 159 399 Commission—Appropriation to .............................................. 68 152, 211 Industrial crossings authorized ............................................ 79 248 Northeastern Expressway—Name changed ........................ 51 106 Snow regulations—Cars towed away for violating .......... 136 363 Taxes for, increased; new road program ............................ 84 264 Rocky Gap State Park—Bond funds for ................................ 159 401 Rosewood State Hospital— Appropriation to ........................................................................ 68 172 Bond funds for .......................................................................... 159 403 Rules—Publishing—Administrative Procedure Act .............. 188 449 S Sabbath Observance—Motor vehicle washing permitted .... 12 15 Safety—Protective devices in vocational schools.................... 24 53 St. John's College—Appropriation to........................................ 68 191 St. Mary's County — Heron Island taken from Potomac River Compact............................................................................ 54 111 St. Mary's Seminary Junior College— Appropriation to ...................................................................... 68 186 Bond funds for .......................................................................... 159 406 Name changed ............................................................................ 59 117 Sales Tax—See Taxation Salisbury State College— Appropriation to ........................................................................ 68 199 Bond funds for............................................................................ 159 407 Sandy Point State Park—Appropriation for............................ 68 157 Savings and Loan Associations— Appropriation to Department of............................................ 68 152, 210 Board—Members at large; qualifications ............................ 121 325 Franchise tax increased .......................................................... 120 324 Loss deductible on income tax ................................................ 83 263 Scholarship Board—Appropriation to .................................... 68 197, 219 Scholarships— Johns Hopkins University—Use; vacancies ...................... 62 120 War orphans—Age requirements .......................................... 148 386 School Buses—Operators—Time for retirement .................... 4 6
Volume 672, Page 541 View pdf image (33K) |
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