J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 601
ington, St. Mary's, Calvert, Carroll, Talbot, Frederick, Somerset,
Charles, Worcester, Wicomico, Howard, Cecil, Garrett, Kent, MONT-
GOMERY, Prince George's, Queen Anne's and Dorchester counties
are entitled under the preceding sections of this sub-title, or under
any other provision of law, shall be awarded by the State Senator of
the legislative district and of Allegany, Anne Arundel, Washington,
SOMERSET, CHARLES, WORCESTER, Wicomico, Howard, Cecil,
Garrett, Kent, MONTGOMERY, Prince George's, Queen Anne's and
Dorchester counties entitled thereto. The said scholarships shall be
awarded only after competitive examinations supervised by the
[Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore City and the boards
of education of the respective counties] State Scholarship Board in
cooperation with the State Department of Education, [but] and said
examination questions shall be prepared and papers graded by the
[respective institutions] State Scholarship Board which shall there-
after transmit the pertinent results of said examination to each of
the eligible institutions. [, and] Awards shall be made in each county
and legislative district from the list of successful applicants therein
passing said examinations, the said list to be furnished to the re-
spective senators by the respective institutions with the grade of
each applicant. Provided, however, that the said respective senators,
in making said appointments, shall take into consideration the finan-
cial [condition] need [of the parents or guardians] of the several
applicants [and no applicant whose parents or guardians are able to
pay said tuition and/or board shall be appointed] as determined by
the State Scholarship Board in accordance with uniform rules and
regulations adopted and promulgated by that Board which shall be
so prepared and applied as to assure that definite financial need shall
be a prerequisite to receiving a scholarship under the provisions of
this section. All laws inconsistent with the provisions of this section
are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
(b) All such scholarships for the third legislative district of Bal-
timore City and for Baltimore County shall be awarded after a com-
petitive examination supervised and graded as provided hereinabove
in this section, and shall be awarded by the dean of admissions, the
committee on admissions, or the appropriate authorities of the col-
lege or institution concerned, taking into consideration the financial
[condition] need of the [parents or guardians of the] several appli-
cants, also as provided hereinabove in this section.
(b-1) All such scholarships for Caroline County shall be awarded
after a competitive examination supervised and graded as provided
in subsection (a) of this section. The list of applicants from Caroline
County who passed the examination shall be furnished by the respec-
tive institutions to the Board of Education of the county, with the
recommendations of the institutions regarding the awarding of the
scholarships attached thereto, said list and recommendations to be
furnished after those applicants who have passed the examination
have been personally interviewed by the dean of admissions, commit-
tee on admission or the appropriate authorities of the respective in-
stitutions. The Board shall then award the scholarships, taking into
consideration the financial [condition] need of the [parents or guard-
ians of the] several applicants, also as provided in subsection (a)
and the recommendations of the respective institutions.
(c) [Except as provided otherwise in this sub-section,] The schol-