J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 43
Commissioners; all books, documents and papers, goods and chattels,
accounts and credits, money and deposits belonging to the treasurer's
office or in his custody as treasurer shall be delivered up and trans-
ferred by him to his successor in office who shall receipt therefor;
provided, that the tax levies placed in his hands for collection or so
much thereof which shall remain uncollected or unaccounted for by
him and for which his bond is responsible shall be retained by him.
[94. It shall be the duty of said treasurer to inform himself by all
lawful means of all property, stocks or investments in said county
liable to taxation, and not included in the lists furnished him and
against which he has not tax bill, and he shall value the same at the
full cash value thereof, and collect the taxes therefor as upon other
property in the county, and make return thereof to the County
[95. When land or personal property is in the hands of a trustee
for sale or otherwise, whether by virtue of a decree of court of under
a deed of trust, and the taxes thereon are in arrears the treasurer
may enforce the payment of such taxes in the same manner as if
said property were not in the hands of a trustee.]
[96. All orders for the payment of money by the County Com-
missioners, the Road Commissioners and the School Commissioners,
respectively, of Calvert County, when such orders become necessary
shall be directed to the Treasurer of Calvert County and shall be
honored and paid by him so far as the funds in his hands for the
purpose therefor drawn will permit.]
[97. All orders for money drawn by the County Commissioners of
Calvert County for outdoor pensioners, shall be paid by the Treasurer
of Calvert County in preference to any other claims, so far as the
funds in his hands will permit.]
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved February 26, 1963.
(Senate Bill 49)
AN ACT to repeal Sections 100, 101, 101A, 102 and 105 of Article 5
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition),
title "Calvert County," sub-title "Court House Lot," Section 101A
having been enacted by Chapter 863 of 1941, repealing certain
obsolete provisions of the local laws of Calvert County relating to
the square or lot surrounding the Court House in Prince Frederick.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 100, 101, 101A, 102 and 105 of Article 5 of the Code