or sewerage system, sewers or additions to present sewers, without
first having obtained a permit from the [Board of County Commis-
sioners] Plumbing Board of Queen Anne's County as hereinafter
Applicants for a permit shall be required to give the location and
description of the property, including, if applicable, name of sub-
division, lot number, size of lot, and nature and size of building or
extent of addition or alterations to existing buildings and the method
of water supply and sewage disposal and number and kind of plumb-
ing fixtures and/or appliances connected with the water or sewerage
system to be installed, on an application form obtainable at the office
of the [County Commissioners] Plumbing Board of Queen Anne's
County. The said application must be accompanied by a rough draw-
ing snowing the size, shape and general location of the owner's
property and the location of the existing or proposed building thereon,
and the water supply and sewage disposal system in existence or
proposed. After said application has been duly processed in the
[County Commissioners] Plumbing Board office, it shall be delivered
to the County Health Department for processing and approval. of the
County Health Officer. The Health Department shall not approve any
application for a permit in any case where it is evident to it that the
sanitary requirements cannot or will not be complied with by the
owner of the property or where the percolation tests show that a
cesspool or tile field will not be satisfactory. When so approved by the
County Health [Officer] Department, the application shall be re-
turned to the office of the [County Commissioners] Plumbing Board
who shall issue to the applicant a "Sanitary Construction Permit"
upon payment of the fee or fees as determined by the [County
Commissioners] Plumbing Board.
All plumbing work done in the County in and about, or in con-
nection with any building, must conform to the Plumbing Code
approved by the Maryland State Board of Commissioners of Practical
Plumbing and with the regulations of the State Board of Health. All
indoor plumbing fixtures must be installed under the supervision of a
[licensed Master Plumber] plumber holding a Queen Anne's County
-plumbing license. Installation of approved dry wells, septic tanks,
cesspools or the tile fields must be done under the supervision of
[licensed Master Plumbers] A plumber holding a Queen Anne's
County plumbing license, unless the work is being done by the prop-
erty owner himself, or as otherwise stated herein.
(a) No person shall engage in the business of constructing, re-
modeling, altering or installing any septic system or part of any septic
system unless they are in possession of a valid license issued by the
ISSUED BY THE PLUMBING BOARD. This shall not apply to any
person constructing, remodeling or repairing their own septic system
on their own property, or to any licensee whose license has been sus-
pended or revoked if said licensee is correcting a defect on a job
contracted prior to the date of suspension or revocation, or a holder
of Queen Anne's plumbing license (Master or Special).