By me in ye sd County of Kent agt any pson wtsoe-
ver and act as my attory in any Court there for me &
according too yr Discretion for yor soe Doeing this shall
be yor suffit Wart Wittness my hand & seale the
twenty ninth day of June anno Domi 1704
In prsence of
JWroth {seal}
Geo: Lumley Recorded p Lumley Clk
These are to Certifie the Comissionrs of
County that we hve two meeting houses in
this County, wch we (ye people
called Quakers)
have built for to meett together in; to wait
upon ye Lord if we may receive Strength to give glory
to god & bear good will unto all men. Desireing yt these
may be recorded in ye records of this county, accord-
ing as an act of parliamt bearing Date ye twenty fourth
Day of may 1684 Doth require: One of ye afsd
meeting houses is on ye south side of Chester River
called Chester meetting house the other on ye north side
of Chester called Lankford's Bay meetting
house : Signed in ye behalfe of ye above sd
Henry Hosier
Dated ye 28th Day of ye
4th month 1704 Recorded p Lumley Clk
John Stead Borne the first Day of
October in ye year of our Lord God 1689
Mary Stead was Borne the first Day
of may in year 1691
Elizabeth Lawrence was borne ye
twenty ninth Day of Octobr in ye year
1703 Recorded p Lumley Clk
July ye 7th 1704
Then Came Thomas Beckly & pray'd that his
mark of Cattle of hoggs might be recorded
as followeth vizt: The Left Ear Cropt
p Lumley Clk
June the 5th
Then came Nathaniel Cleve Charles Hollingsworth
and William Hollingsworth & confes't Judgmt
to Jon ffaning for two hundred & tenn pds tobo Debt
& six hundred & nineteen pds of tobo cost suite: Elias King
To Mr Georg Lumley Clk Kent County
Jon Chaiers
June ye 5th 1704
Then came Natt: Cleve Char: & Willm Hollingsworth
& Confes't Judgt to Jno ffanning for five hundred
pds of tobo Dt & two hundred & fifty five pds tobo
cost suit /
Elias King
To Mr Georg: Lumley
Jon Chaires \
[illegible] Clk Kent County
Recorded p Lumley Clk