Which was read the first time.
Mr. Magruder, from the committee on Judiciary, reported
unfavorably on a bill entitled, an act to prevent intoxication
and drunkeness in the city of Baltimore.
Mr. Rogers, from the committee on Judiciary, reported
favorably on a bill entitled, an act to prevent certain nuis-
ances within the limits of the corporation of the town of
Havre de Grace, in Harford county, and to grant to the Com-
missioners of said town, more ample powers in the abatement
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Belt, from the committee on Judiciary, reported favor-
ably on a bill entitled, an act to allow acknowledgments of
deeds and other instruments, to be made before Clerks of
Courts, Registers of Wills and other officers.
Mr. Dail, from the committee on Claims, reported favor-
ably on a bill entitled, an act to provide for the compensa-
tion of Wm. J. Frick, for certain services performed by him
under an appointment of the Governor, in pursuance of an
order passed by the House of Delegates of Maryland, Feb-
ruary 4, 1854, and for an argument in the Supreme Court
of the United States ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Harrington, from the committee on Corporations, re-
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act amendatory of an
act entitled, an act to Incorporate the Maryland Institution
for the instruction of the Blind, passed January session, 1853,
chapter 203, and making valid certain deeds executed by said
corporation ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Harrington, from the committee on Corporations, re-
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act confirmatory of the
title of the General Insurance Company of Maryland, to the
Franklin Turnpike Road, and of the license to erect and fix
gates across the same and collect the tolls thereupon, heretofore
issued by the Governor to the said General Insurance Company
of Maryland, and granting powers in regard thereto ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Moore, from the Somerset delegation, reported favor-
ably on a bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Mutual In-
surance Company of Somerset and Worcester counties ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Harrington, from the committee on Corporations, re-
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act for the increase of
the capital stock of the Powhattan Steamboat Company, of
Baltimore city: