Bowlus, received 3446; David Kaylor, received 3468; Henry
T. Deaver, received 3460; John Ritchie, received 3438; James
H. Steele, received 3407; John F. Simmons, received 3431,
and that Stephen R. Bowlus, Ulysses Hobbs, John B. Thomas,
Oliver P. Harding, John A. Koons and Jacob Root, having
received the highest number of votes, are duly elected.
In Harford county, the judges return that Franklin Han-
way, received 1914 votes; John H. Baker, received 1850 votes;
Thomas M. Bacon, received 1767 votes; Robert H. Archer,
received 1689 votes; St. Clair Street, received 1577 votes :
George Hays, received 1522 votes, and that Franklin Hanway,
John H. Baker and Thomas M. Bacon, having received the
highest number of votes are duly elected.
In Caroline county, the Judges return that Charles H. Todd
and Joshua McGonigal, have received the highest number of
votes, and are duly elected delegates to the General Assembly
of Maryland.
In Baltimore City the Judges return that—
William Alexander received 17,700 votes.
Baltus H. Kennard received 17,849 votes.
Frederick C. Crowley received 17,759 votes.
Archibald Stirling, Jr. votes received 17,928 votes.
Henry Forrest received 17,740 votes.
Dr. John S. Lynch received 17,847 votes.
Elisha Harrington received 17,830 votes.
John H. T. McPherson received 17,875 votes.
George M. Smith received 17,849 votes.
Edmund Law Rogers received 17,883 votes.
George W. Sherwood received 8,033 votes.
John F. Hunter received 8,037 votes.
George W. Davis received 8,039 votes.
Jervis Spencer received 8,062 votes.
Cyrus Gault received 8,047 votes.
Dr. John J. Graves received 8,144 votes.
Isaiah Gardner received 8,036 votes,
N. E. Berry received 8,042 votes.
John R. Blake received 8,015 votes.
Alfred Brenton received 8,032 votes.
And that William Alexander, Baltus H. Kennard, Fred-
erick C. Crowley, Archibald Stirling, Jr. Henry Forrest, Dr.
John S. Lynch, Elisha Harrington, John H. T. McPherson,