1042 INDEX.
Petition and remonstrance of the President and
Managers of the Baltimore and Reisterstown Turn-
pike Road Company, referred, 240.
Petition of sundry citizens of Caroline county, in
reference to the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of
Greensborough in Caroline county, referred, 228; or-
der offered and laid on the table to refer the petition
to a special committee, 241.
Leave to bring in a bill to lease the State's interest
in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to the preferred
bondholders of the same, 241, 242; referred, 305.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Mutual
Insurance Company of Somerset and Worcester
counties, 242; bill reported, passed and sent to the
Senate, 595.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church at Port Deposit, in Cecil
county, 242; bill reported, 364; bill passed and sent
to the Senate, 383.
Leave was granted to bring in a bill to enable the
corporation of the Home of the Friendless, in Balti-
more city, to have committed to it the legal custody
of the destitute children who are objects of the
charity of the institution, 243; bill reported, 383.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Balti-
more City Guards, 269; bill reported, 364; bill passed
and sent to the Senate, 692.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Calvert county, 269;
bill reported, 273; bill passed and sent to the Senate,
566, 567.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Balti-
more City Passenger Railroad Company, 240; bill re-
ported, 366.
Leave to bring in a bill to incorporate the Ameri-
can Band of Frederick city, 269; bill reported, 302;
bill passed and sent to the Senate, 593.
A bill reported entitled an act to incorporate the
Maryland Mutual Life and Fire Insurance Company,
261; bill passed and sent to the Senate, 488; returned
passed by the Senate, 707.