Judge and two Associate Judges; the number
State shall be divided by law into districts.
of such Judges may thereafter be increased
Each district shall consist of one county or
or decreased by the General Assembly by
two or more entire and adjoining counties.
Law but no such decrease shall affect the
The number of judges shall be allocated
term of any Judge then in office or his right
among the districts by law. At least one dis-
to stand for election for further terms as
trict court judge shall reside in each county.
hereinafter provided. The Judges of said
Functional divisions of the District Court
Court shall have the qualifications pre-
may be established in any district.
scribed by Section 2 of this Article and shall
have practiced Law in the City of Baltimore
See Section 5.14, Eligibility for Nomination
for a total period of at least five years; shall
and Appointment, p. 47.
hold office subject to the provisions of
Sections 3 and 4 of this Article with regard
See Section 5.24, Judicial Compensation', p.
to retirement and removal from office; and
shall receive from the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore City such compensa-
tion as shall be fixed by Law by the General
Assembly, which shall not be diminished
during continuance in office.
The Governor shall appoint to said Court,
See Section 5.15, Nomination and Appoint-
to take office on the first Monday of May,
ment, p. 16.
1941, one Associate Judge for a term
expiring December 31, 1942, one Associate
Judge for a term expiring December 31,
1944, and a Chief Judge for a term expiring
December 31, 1946; and, upon the creation
of any additional office on said Court by
increase in the number of Judges pursuant
to this Section, shall appoint an Associate
Judge for such term, not exceeding eight
years and expiring on the thirty-first day
of December immediately following a Con-
gressional election, as the Law creating such
office shall prescribe. If any vacancy occurs
during any such original term, the Governor
shall appoint a successor to serve for the
remainder of such term. After the expira-
tion of said original terms, the terms of office
of said Court shall be for eight years from
the expiration of the preceding term, and
shall be filled as follows:
(1) Any incumbent Judge of said .Court
See Section 5.22, Judicial Term of Office, p.
shall be eligible, at the Congressional elec-
tion immediately preceding the expiration of
his period of appointment or term, for
election or re-election to succeed himself
(a) for a full term of eight years, except as
provided in (b) hereof; or (b) for the un-
expired remainder of the current eight year
term, if his appointment will expire before
the end of such term. Any qualified person
including an incumbent Judge shall be
eligible for election to said Court. Pro-
vided, however, that any Judge who is in
office when this act takes effect shall be
entitled to have his name placed upon the
ballot with no party designation and with
no opposing candidate; and the voters shall