consideration thereof, is due from the
United States.
Art. 25. That excessive bail ought not
See Section 1.11, Unusual Punishments, p. 4.
to be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted,
by the Courts of Law.
Art. 26. That all warrants, without oath
Section 1.05. Searches and Seizures.
or affirmation, to search suspected places,
The right of the people to be secure in
or to seize any person or property, are
their persons, houses, papers, and effects
grievous and oppressive; and all general
against unreasonable searches, seizures, inter-
warrants to search suspected places, or to
ceptions of their communications, or other
apprehend suspected persons, without nam-
invasions of their privacy, shall not be violat-
ing or describing the place, or the person
ed, and no warrants shall issue, but upon
in special, are illegal, and ought not to
probable cause, supported by oath or affir-
be granted.
mation, and particularly describing the place
to be searched and the persons or things to
be seized, or the communications sought to
be intercepted.
Art. 27. That no conviction shall work
See Section 1.11, Unusual Punishments, p. 4.
corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate.
Art. 28. That a well regulated Militia
Section 9.05. Militia.
is the proper and natural defence of a
The General Assembly may provide by law
free Government.
for a militia. The governor shall be its
Art. 29. That standing Armies are
dangerous to liberty, and ought not to be
raised, or kept up, without the consent of
the Legislature.
commander in chief and shall appoint its of-
ficers. The governor may order the militia
into active service to repel invasions, to sup-
press insurrections, to enforce the execution
of the laws, and to provide assistance when
Art. 30. That in all cases, and at all
great destruction of life or property may be
times, the military ought to be under strict
threatened or may have occurred. The mili-
subordination to, and control of, the civil
tary authority of the State shall be and
remain subject to civil control in the person
of the governor at all times. Only a member
Art. 31. That no soldier shall, in time
of the militia may be subject to a military
of peace, be quartered in any house, with-
trial and then only for offenses committed
out the consent of the owner, nor in time
while in actual service.
of war, except in the manner prescribed
by Law.
Art. 32. That no person except regular
soldiers, marines, and mariners in the service
of this State, or militia, when in actual
service, ought, in any case, to be subject
to, or punishable by Martial Law.
Art. 33. That the independency and
Section 5.25. Restriction of Non-Judicial
uprightness of Judges are essential to the
impartial administration of Justice, and a
No judge shall practice law, or seek public
great security to the rights and liberties
elective office other than the judicial office he
of the People: Wherefore, the Judges shall
then holds, or contribute to or hold office in
not be removed, except in the manner, and
for the causes provided in this Constitu-
tion. No Judge shall hold any other office,
a political party or political organization, or
participate in a partisan political campaign,
or serve as officer, director, or employee of