The several judges of the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County on and after the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in
November, nineteen hundred and sixty-six,
shall each, alternately and in rotation and
on schedules to be established by the said
judges, sit as an Orphan's Court for said
County, and shall have and exercise all
the power, authority and jurisdiction which
the present Orphans' Courts now have and
exercise, or which may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law.
Sec. 21. From and after January 1, 1955,
See Section 522, Judicial Term of Office, p.
there shall be in the third, fourth, fifth,
sixth and seventh circuits at least one judge
for each county, who shall be a resident of
Section 5.09. Composition.
the county in which he shall hold office,
The Superior Court shall consist of the
and who shall be elected by the voters
number of judges prescribed by law. The
thereof, to be styled judges of the Circuit
Court, to be elected or appointed as herein
number shall be allocated among the coun-
ties by law. At least one superior court judge
provided. The number of judges for any
shall reside in each county. Functional divi-
of the circuits or for any of the counties,
sions of the Superior Court may be estab-
may be increased or decreased by the
lished in any county.
General Assembly from time to time, and
any vacancy so created shall be filled as
provided in Section 5 of this Article except
that in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and
seventh judicial circuits there shall never be
less than one judge for each county and
in all of the circuits there shall never be less
than four for each circuit. The senior judge
in length of service shall be the chief judge
of the circuit; the other judge or judges
shall be associate judges. In the first and
second judicial circuits no two of said
judges of the Circuit Court shall at the time
of their election or appointment, or during
the term for which they may have been
elected or appointed, reside in any one
county, except in Cecil County wherein two
said judges may reside at one time provided
that each of the other counties within the
second judicial circuit shall have at least one
judge resident therein. In the first and
second judicial circuits, in case any candi-
date or candidates for judge at any
election shall receive sufficient votes to
cause such candidate or candidates to be
declared elected, but the election of such
candidate or candidates would cause more
judges than herein permitted to reside in
any county of the circuit, then and in that
event there shall be declared elected only
that candidate or those candidates residing
in said county, in the order of the votes
received, whose election would provide the
permitted number of judges from said