Baltimore shall be appointed by the Judges
of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City.
cial system. He shall designate, to serve at
his pleasure, one Intermediate Appellate
It shall be the duty of the General As-
Court judge, one Superior Court judge, and
sembly to prescribe, by Law, a fixed com-
one District Court judge as the chief judge
pensation for all such officers; and said
of each court. Each shall perform those du-
Judge, or Judges shall, from time to time,
ties in the administration of the judicial
investigate the expenses, costs and charges
system that the chief judge of the Court of
of their respective courts, with a view to
Appeals shall assign to him. The chief judge
a change or reduction thereof, and report
of the Court of Appeals may assign adminis-
the result of such investigation to the Gen-
trative duties to other judges in the manner
eral Assembly for its action.
prescribed by rule. Any judge may be as-
signed to sit temporarily in any court as pre-
scribed by rule.
Sec. 10. The Clerks of the several
See Section 533, Clerks of Court, p. 56.
Courts, created, or continued by this Con-
stitution, shall have charge and custody
of the records and other papers, shall per-
form all the duties, and be allowed the fees,
which appertain to their several offices, as
the same now are, or may hereafter be
regulated by Law. And the office and busi-
ness of said Clerks, in all their departments,
shall be subject to the visitorial power of
the Judges of their respective Courts, who
shall exercise the same, from time to time,
so as to insure the faithful performance
of the duties of said officers; and it shall
be the duty of the Judges of said Courts
respectively, to make, from time to time,
such rules and regulations as may be neces-
sary and proper for the government of
said Clerks, and for the performance of
the duties of their offices, which shall have
the force of Law until repealed, or modified
by the General Assembly.
Sec. 11. The election for Judges, here-
See Section 5.22, Judicial Term of Office, p.
inbefore provided, and all elections for
51, for election of judges.
Clerks, Registers of Wills, and other officers,
provided in this Constitution, except State's
Attorneys, shall be certified, and the re-
turns made, by the Clerks of the Circuit
Courts of the Counties, and the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Baltimore City, re-
spectively, to the Governor, who shall issue
commissions to the different persons for
the offices to which they shall have been,
respectively, elected; and in all such elec-
tions, the person having the greatest num-
ber of votes shall be declared to be elected,
Sec. 12. If in any case of election for
Judges, Clerks of the Courts of Law, and
Registers of Wills, the opposing candidates
shall have an equal number of votes, it
shall be the duty of the Governor to order
a new election; and in case of any con-
tested election, the Governor shall send