every case an opinion, in writing, shall be
for any of the eight circuits or for any of
filed within three months after the argu-
the counties may be or may have been
ment, or submission of the cause; ....
increased or decreased by the General
Sec. 16. Provision shall be made by
Law for publishing Reports of all causes,
argued and determined in the Court of
Appeals and in the intermediate courts of
appeal, which the judges thereof, respec-
Assembly from time to time, if otherwise
qualified, shall be ineligible for appointment
or election as judge of the Court of Appeals
or any other court by reason of his member-
ship in such General Assembly.
tively, shall designate as proper for pub-
In the event and to the extent of any
inconsistency between the provisions of any
section amended or added by these amend-
Sec. 21..... Notwithstanding any other
mends and any of the other provisions of
provision of this Article the vacancy in
this Constitution or the provisions of any
Montgomery County qreated by the adoption
existing law, the provisions of the sections
of this amendment shall not be filled by
amended or added shall prevail, and such
appointment as provided in Section 5 of this
other provisions shall be repealed or abro-
Article, but at the first biennial general
gated to the extent of such inconsistency,
election for Representatives in Congress,
except Section 35A of Article III of this
after the adoption of this amendment a
Constitution; provided, however, that in the
judge shall be elected by the qualified
event of any inconsistency between the pro-
voters of Montgomery County to fill such
visions of the sections thus amended or
vacancy in such county. Any other vacancy
added and any of the other provisions of the
in the office of Judge of the Circuit Court
sections thus amended or added and any
for Montgomery County and any vacancy
of the other provisions of this Constitution
in the second judicial circuit shall be filled
as amended by any other amendments which
as provided in Sections 3 and 5 of this
may be adopted at the same time or times
Article, except that the person initially
as these amendments, i.e. at the election held
appointed to fill the vacancy in the second
in November, 1944, or at the election held
judicial circuit shall be a resident of Kent
in November, 1954, or at the election held
in November, 1960, the changes made by
The said judges shall hold such terms of
the Circuit Court in each of the counties
these amendments and all such other amend-
ments to this Constitution shall all be given
composing their respective circuits, at such
times as are now prescribed or may here-
Sec. 22. Where any Term is held, or
after be prescribed by rules or regulations
trial conducted by less than the whole num-
by the Court of Appeals or otherwise by law.
ber of said Circuit Judges, upon the de-
One judge in each of the first seven circuits
cision, or determination of any point, or
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
question, by the Court, it shall be compe-
of any business; and the said judges, or any
tent to the party, against whom the ruling
of them, may hold special terms of their
or decision is made, upon motion, to have
Courts, when in their discretion, the busi-
the point, or question reserved for the con-
ness of the several counties renders such
sideration of the three Judges of the Cir-
terms necessary.
cuit, who shall constitute a court in bane
All provisions of the Constitution of Mary-
for such purpose; and the motion for such
land and all Acts of the General Assembly
reservation shall be entered of record, dur-
relating to the Court of Appeals or any
ing the sitting, at which such decision may
other courts, and all rules heretofore
be made; and the several Circuit Courts
adopted by the Court of Appeals, not incon-
shall regulate, by rules, the mode and man-
sistent with the provisions of the sections
ner of presenting such points, or questions
amended or added by this amendment, shall
to the court in bane, and the decision of
remain in full force and effect unless and
the said Court in bane shall be the effective
until amended or repealed by proper
decision in the premises, and conclusive, as
authority. All salaries now prescribed by
against the party, at whose motion said
law for associate judges of the Circuit Courts
points, or questions were reserved; but such
shall continue to apply to all judges (includ-
decision in bane shall not preclude the right
ing chief judges) of the Circuit Court. No
of Appeal, or writ of error to the adverse
member of the General Assembly at which
party, in those cases, civil or criminal, in
either of these amendments was proposed,
which appeal, or writ of error to the Court
or at which the number or salary of judges
of Appeals may be allowed by Law. The