nevertheless, to the revision of, and amend-
and all other law, including common law, in
ment or repeal by, the Legislature of this
force on June 80, 1968, insofar as it is not in
State. And the Inhabitants of Maryland
conflict with this Constitution, shall continue
are also entitled to all property derived to
in force until it expires by its own limitation
them from, or under the Charter granted
or is lawfully changed. A law in effect on
by His Majesty Charles the First to Caecilius
June 30, 1968, shall not be deemed in con-
Calvert, Baron of Baltimore.
flict with this Constitution solely because it
was enacted pursuant to authority granted
by a provision of the Constitution of 1867 as
amended. All existing writs, actions, suits,
proceedings, civil or criminal liabilities, pros-
ecutions, judgments, sentences, orders, de-
crees, appeals, causes of action, contracts,
claims, demands, property titles, and rights
shall continue unaffected except as modified
by law or in accordance with the provisions
of this Constitution.
Art. 6. That all persons invested with
the Legislative or Executive powers of
Government are the Trustees of the Public,
and, as such, accountable for their conduct:
Wherefore, whenever the ends of Govern-
ment are perverted, and public liberty
manifestly endangered, and all other means
of redress are ineffectual, the People may,
and of right ought, to reform the old, or
establish a new Government; the doctrine
of non-resistence against arbitrary power
and oppression is absurd, slavish and de-
structive of the good and happiness of man-
Art. 7. That the right of the People
Section 2. 01. Voters in National, State, and
to participate in the Legislature is the best
County Elections.
security of liberty and the foundation of
Every citizen of the United States who has
all free Government; for this purpose,
attained the age of nineteen years, and who
elections ought to be free and frequent;
has been a resident of this State for six
and every white male citizen, having the
months and of the county in which he offers
qualifications prescribed by the Constitu-
to vote for three months next preceding an
tion, ought to have the right of suffrage.
election, shall be eligible to vote, and if reg-
istered shall be qualified to vote in that
county in national, state, and county elec-
tions. If any county is divided into different
electoral districts or into portions of different
electoral districts for the election of any na-
tional, state, or county officer, then, to vote
for such an officer, a person shall have been
a resident of the electoral district for three
months next preceding the election. Removal
from one electoral district to another elector-
al district in this State shall not deprive u
person of his qualification to vote in the elec-
toral district from which he has removed
until three months after his removal.
Art. 8. That the Legislative, Executive
Section 3.01. Legislative Power.
and Judicial powers of Government ought
The legislative power of the State shall be
to be forever separate and distinct from
vested in the General Assembly, which shall