all cases, from the judgment of Justices of
the Peace, as hath been heretofore exercised,
or shall be hereafter prescribed by Law.
Sec. 43. In the event of a vacancy in the
office of a Justice of the Peace, the Governor
shall appoint a person to serve, as Justice
of the Peace, for the residue of the term;
and in case of a vacancy in the office of
Constable, the County Commissioners of the
county in which the vacancy occurs, or the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, as the
case may be, shall appoint a person to serve
as Constable for the residue of the term.
Selection and Tenure of Judges
Section 5.13. Judicial Circuits.
See Art. IV, Sec. 14 at Section 5.04 for
The State shall be divided by law into cir-
circuits of the Court of Appeals.
cuits of the Court of Appeals and into
circuits of the Intermediate Appellate Court.
See Art. IV, Sec. 14 A at Sections 5.06 and
5.07 for circuits of the Intermediate Court
of Appeals.
Section 5.14. Eligibility for Nomination and
Sec. 2. The Judges of all of the said
Courts shall be citizens of the State of
A judge shall have been a citizen of the
Maryland, and qualified voters under this
State and shall have been authorized to prac-
Constitution, and shall have resided therein
tice law in the State for at least five years
not less than five years, and not less than
immediately preceding his nomination. A
six months next preceding their election, or
nominee for judge of the Court of Appeals
appointment, as the case may be, in the
or of the Intermediate Appellate Court shall
city, county, judicial circuit, intermediate
be a resident of the circuit where that court
appellate judicial circuit or appellate ju-
vacancy exists. A nominee for judge of the
dicial circuit for which they may be,
Superior Court shall be a resident of the
respectively, elected, or appointed. They
county where the vacancy exists. A nominee
shall be not less than thirty years of age
for judge of the District Court shall be a res-
at, the time of their election, or appoint-
ident of the district where the vacancy ex-
ment, and shall be selected from those who
have been admitted to practice Law in this
State, and who are most distinguished for
integrity, wisdom and sound legal knowl-
Sec. 21..... [Each circuit judge] shall
be a resident of the county in which he
shall hold office, and who shall be elected
by the voters thereof, to be styled judges
of the Circuit Court, to be elected or
appointed as herein provided. The number
of judges for any of the circuits or for
any of the counties, may be increased or
decreased by the General Assembly from
time to time, and any vacancy so created
shall be filled as provided in Section 5 of this
Article except that in the third, fourth,
fifth, sixth, and seventh judicial circuits
there shall never be less than one judge
for each county and in all of the circuits
there shall never be less than four for each
circuit. The senior judge in length of