lic laws except general laws which in their
following enumerated cases, viz.: For ex-
terms and effects apply throughout the State.
tending the time for the collection of taxes;
No county shall be exempt from a public
granting divorces; changing the name of
general law. The limitation of this section
any person; providing for the sale of real
that the General Assembly shall enact only
estate, belonging to minors, or other persons
public general laws shall not apply to laws
laboring under legal disabilities, by execu-
(1) pertaining to appropriations; (2) pro-
tors, administrators, guardians or trustees;
viding for or regulating the powers of
giving effect to informal, or invalid deeds
departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of
or wills; refunding money paid into the
the State which perform a state and not a lo-
State Treasury, or releasing persons from
cal function; (3) pertaining to public educa-
their debts, or obligations to the State,
tion; (4) pertaining to multi-county govern-
unless recommended by the Governor, or
mental units; (5) providing for the
officers of the Treasury Department. And
establishment, merger, or dissolution of coun-
the General Assembly shall pass no special
ties or for the alteration of their boundaries;
Law, for any case, for which provision has
(6) granting, limiting, or withdrawing the
been made, by an existing General Law.
taxing powers of a county or counties; or
The General Assembly, at its first Session
(7) empowering a county or counties, sub-
after the adoption of this Constitution,
ject to any standards that the General As-
shall pass General Laws, providing for the
sembly may provide by law, to exercise any
cases enumerated in this section, which are
power or perform any function denied to
not already adequately provided for, and
other counties. This section shall not be
for all other cases, where a General Law
construed to limit any power of the General
can be made applicable.
Assembly, otherwise existing under this Con-
stitution, to enact special laws, except that a
special law shall not be enacted for any situa-
tion for which an existing general law is ap-
See Art. III, Sec. 61 at Section 1.16 for
the power of the General Assembly by pub-
lic local law to empower Baltimore City to
carry out urban renewal projects.
See Art. XI-B, Sec. 1 and Sec. 2, at Section
1.16 for the power of the General Assembly
by public local law to authorize the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to acquire
and sell land for land development.
See Art. XI-C, Sec. 1 and Sec. 2 at Sec-
tion 1.16 for the power of the General
Assembly by public local law to authorize
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to acquire land for offstreet parking.
See Art. XI-D, Sec. 1 and Sec. 2 at Sec-
tion 1.16 for the power of the General As-
sembly by public local law to authorize the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to
acquire land for port development.
Art. XI-F, sec. 4. Except as otherwise
provided in this Article, the General As-
sembly shall not enact, amend, or repeal
a public local law which is special or local
in its terms or effect within a code county.
The General Assembly may enact, amend,
or repeal public local laws applicable to
code counties only by general enactments
which in term and effect apply alike to all
code counties in one or more of the classes
provided for in Section 5 of this Article.
Sec. 5. The General Assembly, by Law,
shall classify all code counties by grouping