Assembly may provide that such property
may be taken immediately upon payment
therefor to the owner or owners thereof by
the State or by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, or into court, such amount
as the State or the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, as the case may be, shall
estimate to be the fair value of said prop-
erty, provided such legislation also requires
the payment of any further sum that may
subsequently be added by a jury; and
further provided that the authority and
procedure for the immediate taking of prop-
erty as it applies to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore on June 1, 1961, shall
remain in force and effect to and including
June 1, 1963, and where such property is
situated in Baltimore County and is desired
by Baltimore County, Maryland, the County
Council of Baltimore County, Maryland,
may provide for the appointment of an ap-
praiser or appraisers by a Court of Record
to value such property and that upon pay-
ment of the amount of such evaluation, to
the party entitled to compensation, or into
Court, and securing the payment of any
further sum that may be awarded by a jury,
such property may be taken; and where
such property is situated in Montgomery
County and in the judgment of and upon
a finding by the County Council of said
County that there is immediate need there-
for for right of way for County roads or
streets, the County Council may provide
that such property may be taken immedi-
ately upon payment therefor to the owner
or owners thereof, or into Court, such
amount as a licensed real estate broker
appointed by the County Council shall
estimate to be the fair market value of
such property, provided that the Council
shall secure the payment of any further
sum that may subsequently be awarded by
a jury. In the various municipal corpora-
tions within Cecil County, Where in the
judgment of and upon a finding by the
governing body of said municipal corpora-
tion that there is immediate need therefor
for right of way for municipal roads, streets
and extension of municipal water and sew-
age facilities, the governing body may
provide that such property may be taken
immediately upon payment therefor to the
owner or owners thereof, or into Court,
such amount as a licensed real estate
broker appointed by the particular govern-
ing body shall estimate to be a fair market
value of such property, provided that the
municipal corporation shall secure the