authorizes or regulates the maximum amount
of indebtedness which may be incurred by
the code county. Public local laws enacted
by the General Assembly under this section
prevail over any public local laws enacted
by the code county under other sections
in this Article.
See. 9. A code county shall not levy
See Sections 7.01-7,04, beginning at p. 89.
any type of tax, license fee, franchise tax,
or fee which was not in effect or authorized
in the code county at' the time it came
under the provisions of this Article, until
an express authorization of the General
Assembly has been enacted for this pur-
pose by a general law which in its terms
and effect applies alike to all code counties
in one or more of the classes provided for
in Section 5 of this Article.
Sec. 10. All laws enacted by the General
Assembly and in effect when this Article
was added to the Constitution shall remain
in effect until amended or repealed under
this Constitution. Every public local law
enacted, amended, or repealed by a county
under the provisions of this Article pre-
vails over the previous public local law,
except to the extent it is subject to an
applicable law enacted by the General As-
Section 1. The Governor, the Comp-
See Section 4.25, Board of Review, p. 32.
troller of the Treasury, and the Treasuier,
shall constitute the Board of Public Works
in this State. They shall keep a journal
of their proceedings, and shall hold regular
sessions in the City of Annapolis, on the
first Wednesday in January, April, July and
October, in each year, and oftener, if neces-
sary; at which sessions they shall hear and
determine such matters as affect the Public
Works of the State, and as the General
Assembly may confer upon them the power
to decide.
Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent
and faithful supervision of all Public Works
in which the State may be interested as
Stockholder or Creditor, and shall appoint
the Directors in every Railroad and Canal
Company, in which the State has the legal
power to appoint Directors, which said
Directors shall represent the State in all
meetings of the Stockholders of the respec-
tive Companies for which they are ap-
pointed or elected. They shall require the