tobacco warehouses and tor the building of a new tobacco
warehouse or warehouses on Deep Water ;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Bayless, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to amend article 41 of the code of
public general laws, relating to fish and fisheries;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Mackubin, from the committee on Claims, reported
favorably on the bill entitled, an act appropriating a sum of
money for the payment of the claims of Joseph C. White,
Sylvester Mudd, Samuel Hindes, George Jacobs, George E.
Franklin, H. G. Letourneau, John Lindenborn, James Wil-
son, Thomas P. Hambleton, Robert J. Jump, Joseph H.
Skinner, Henry Medford and James E. Tate;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to authorise the payment
of arrears of rent due Mrs. Matilda E. Green, for her house
used for storage of the State's fire engine;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act for the relief of the sure-
ties on the bonds of Harrison Willis, former collector of the
second collection district of Prince George's county;
With the following amendments proposed:
Strike out all after the word "shall," in the 7th line of the
first section, and insert "be paid on or before the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, or so soon there-
after, as an adjustment of said claim shall be made by the
Comptroller of the Treasury;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act for the benefit of Marga-
ret Ritchie, one of the legal representatives of Henry Gassa-
way, late of Anne Arundel county, deceased;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act for the benefit of Gassa-
way Madison, one of the legal representatives of Henry
Gassaway, late of Anne Arundel county, deceased;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to authorise the Treasurer
of this State, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, to pay
a sum of money to John D. Ehlers, a private in the Balti-
more City Guard, who was seriously injured during the
riots on the main stem of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
in the month of May, 1857, and appropriating the sum of
two hundred dollars in full payment therefor;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to refund to Thomas E.
Gittings, of Baltimore county, State taxes erroneously paid;
Which were severally read the first time.