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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 495   View jpeg image (251K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.          495

Mr. Bayless presented a petition from Silas B. Silverman
and others, of Harford county, in reference to the colored pop-

Referred to the committee on Colored Population.

Mr. McAllister presented a petition from the Taylor Light
Dragoons, of Baltimore city, asking compensation for ser-
vices rendered at Harper's Ferry;

Also, presented a memorial from the Taylor Light Dra-
goons, asking to be incorporated, and asking the privilege of
having honorary members, to be exempt from jury duty;

Which were severally referred to the committee on Ways
and Means.

Mr. Wilson, of Cecil, presented a petition from John C.
Craig, and forty other citizens of Cecil county, asking the re-
peal of the present sheep law in said county;

Referred to the Cecil county delegation.
On motion of Mr. Denison, of Baltimore city,

Leave was granted the committee on Claims to introduce
a bill to compensate the battalion of Baltimore City Guard,
for expenses incurred and services rendered by the said batal-
lion during the late Harper's Ferry insurrection;

Mr. Welch offered the following:

Ordered, That the Comptroller of the Treasury furnish a
detailed copy of the expenses of the State Chemist for the
last two years;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Briscoe proposed the following:

Ordered, That a committee of three be appointed to inquire
the probable expense of printing one thousand copies of the
code, and the laws of the present session, for the use of the
State, and the best mode of procuring such printing to be
done, and that they report to this House at the earliest practi-
cable day;

Which was adopted, and Messrs. Briscoe, Burgess and Long
constituted said committee.

On motion of Mr. Durant,

Leave was granted to the committee on Claims to intro-
duce a bill to designate and assign the several offices in the
now record building, and to appropriate certain sums of
money, to be used in fitting up and furnishing the same.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 495   View jpeg image (251K)
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