Also, on Senate bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Far-
mers' and Mechanics' Mutual Insurance company of Frede-
rick county;
Which were severally read the first time.
Mr. Rasin, from a select committee, reported favorably on
the Senate bill entitled, an act to repeal section 90 of the pub-
lic local laws, relating to election districts in Kent county;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act to appoint commissioners
to build a new court house and fire-proof record office in
Kent county;
Mr. Briscoe, from a select committee, reported favorably
on the bill entitled, an act to add an article to the code of
public general laws of this State, under the title of reparian,
proprietary and declaratory of their rights, bounding on the
navigable waters of this State;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Long, chairman of the committee on Ways and Means,
reported favorably on the bill entitled, an act in relation to
the debt due to the State, from the Tide Water Canal com-
pany, and the Susquehanna Canal company;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Krafft, chairman of a select committee, reported favor-
ably on the bill entitled, an act to amend the 4th article of
the code of public local laws by adding thereto certain sec-
tions authorising the mayor and city council of Baltimore to
endorse or guarantee the first mortgage bonds of the Western
Maryland Railroad company to an amount not exceeding two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars;
Also, on the bill entitled, an act concerning St. John's
Parish of Baltimore county;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Jones, of Talbot, from a select committee, reported
favorably on a bill entitled, an act to repeal the 27th section of
the 20th article of the code of public local laws relating to
the commissioners of Talbot county, and substitute a new
section therefor;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. McCleary reported favorably on the bill entitled, an
act to repeal the 72d, 73d, 74th, 75th, 76th, 77th, and 78th
sections of article 7th of the code of public local laws relat-
ing to Hour inspection in the city of Cumberland, Allegany
Which was read the first time.