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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 35   View jpeg image (297K)
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1860.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.             35

troduce a bill to define the powers of magistrates and consta-
bles in the return of writs in civil processes in Howard

Mr. Smith presented the memorial of W. L. Richardson
and others, in relation to closing banks on certain days in the

Referred to the committee on Corporations.
On motion of Mr. Maxwell,

Leave was granted the committee on Claims to report a bill
appropriating a sum of money in payment of legal services
rendered by James T. McCullough, Esq., at the request of
the Governor of the State.

On motion of Mr. Long,

Leave was granted a special committee, composed of Messrs.
Long, Freaner and Gordon, to bring in a bill to authorise
Edward Long to settle his accounts as guardian to John C.
Barkley, and deliver over the estate to his said ward.

Mr. Gordon presented the memorial of Richard J. Capron
and Hugh Sisson, for the passage of a bill giving leave to
withdraw the will of James De Wolf from the records;

Referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Briscoe offered the following:                               

Ordered, That the committee heretofore appointed to take
into consideration so much of the Governor's message as re-
lates to the oyster trade, be enlarged by the addition of one
member from each of the tide-water counties of this State, to
be appointed by the Speaker, and that the whole subject
appertaining to the the fishery of this State be referred there-

Which was adopted.

Mr. Linthicum offered the following:

Ordered, That the name of one of the members from Som-
erset county, appointed on the committee to define the bound-
ary line between that county and Worcester county, be stricken
out, and the vacancy be filled by the Speaker with the name
of some member from the Eastern shore, not a delegate from
either of the two counties.

Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Eakle,

Leave was granted the committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill to change the law imposing penalties on cler-
gymen for performing the rites of matrimony on minors.


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Proceedings of the House, 1860
Volume 660, Page 35   View jpeg image (297K)
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