Volume 659, Page 262 View pdf image |
262 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Feb. 9, there are now eighty copies of that volume in the Library. He has disposed of eighteen copies of the third volume and there are now sixty-two copies of that volume in the Library. He has disposed of fifty-two copies of the fourth volume, and there are now thirty-four of that volume in the Library. A few volume have also been disposed of, of which the number of the volume is not particularly noted. In some few cases the volumes sent to public officers seem to have miscarried; in these instances, on application of the officers, they have been furnished with another copy. A few volumes have also been sent to the Libraries of other State, on the application of their officers representing that they had not been previously received. In these cases the appli- cation has generally been accompanied with an enquiry as to the volumes wanting in our Library, and a gift of such of theirs in return for those we have furnished them. Most of the volumes parted with from our Library have been exchanged with Messrs. T. & J. W Johnson of Philadelphia, or Messrs. Cushings & Bay- ley of Baltimore. A very few have been disposed of to other individuals. The undersigned respectfully suggests the proprie- ty of the passage of a law prescribing the duty of the Librarian in this matter, or if it shall seem proper to the General Assembly prohibiting to him altogether the exercise of the discretion here- tofore exercised by him under the resolution of 1832: as in view of that provision of the Constitution which ordains that the duties of the Librarian shall be prescribed by law, possibly a question might arise as to the legality of action prescribing his duty by a simple order of the House of Delegates. All which is respect- fully submitted. WILLIAM HARWOOD, Librarian On motion of Mr. Loughridge, The further reading of the report was dispensed with, and re- Mr. Stack presented a petition of Jacob Charles and Mitchel Which was referred to the Caroline county delegation. Mr. Valiant presented a petition for an act to incorporate the di- Which was referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Brengle presented a petition from sundry citizens of Fred- Which was referred to the Committee on Roads.
Volume 659, Page 262 View pdf image |
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