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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 135   View pdf image
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136             JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS          [Jan. 26,

On motion of Mr. Hugg,
Leave was granted to introduce a bill to pay over the money
allowed from the capitation tax to the German and Hiberian So-
cieties to the Baltimore city and county Alms house for its use.

Which was referred to the Baltimore city and county delega-

On motion of Mr. Askew,                         

The bill to carry into effect the 39th section of 3d article of the
Constitution in relation to exemption was withdrawn from the
Judiciary Committee and referred to the Committee on Insolvency.

Mr. Carper, Chairman of the Committee on Internal Improve-
ments, reported favorable on a bill entitled, a further supplement
to a bill entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore and Phila-
adelphia Rail Road Company.

Mr. Silver, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, re
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act to amend the charter of
the Maryland Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, passed
at January session 1853,

Also, on a bill, an act to alter and amend the act passed at De-
cember session 149, chapter 101, entitled, an act to incorporate
the Ocean Mutual Insurance Company of Baltimore.

On motion of Mr. Daniel,
The rules were suspended to enable the Somerset county dele-
gation to introduce a bill to make compensation to John Cullen,
for certain moneys expended by him in the capture of certain ves-
sels for violation of the oyster laws, under the direction of the
Attorney General of the State and his deputies.

Mr. Frazier, Chairman of the Committee on Claims, reported
unfavorable on the petition of Geo. W. Westwood asking compen-
sation for services rendered in the office of the Clerk of the Court
of Common Pleas for Baltimore city;

And reported favorably on a bill entitled, an act to refund to
John B. Nichols, collector of the first collection district of Anne
Arundel county, certain moneys, overpaid by him into the Treas-
ury of Maryland,

Also, a bill entitled, an act to appropriate a sum of money to
pay John C. Mullikin, administrator of Owen Norfolk, late
Clerk of the Circuit Court, for Prince George's county certain fees
due said deceased from the State;

Also, a bill entitled, an act appropriating a sum of money for
the use of James G. Henning, clerk of the Circuit Court of Mont-
gomery county.                                                                 

Mr. Partridge, chairman of the Committee on Judiciary, re-
ported favorably on a bill entitled, an act to carry into effect the


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Proceedings of the House, 1856
Volume 659, Page 135   View pdf image
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