By Mr. Archer:
Senate Joint Resolution: Suggesting that it be recommended
to the United States Senators and Congressmen representing
the State of Maryland, and also to the War Department of the
United States, that appropriate legislation and orders be
enacted and issued looking to the protection of the fishing in-
dustry of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
WHEREAS, The fishing industry of the Chesapeake Bay and
its tributaries forms one of the greatest sources of revenue of
the State of Maryland, and furnishes food and employment for
a large number of the citizens thereof; and
WHEREAS, This great source of revenue of food is diminish-
ing. in alarming proportions from year to year, and the very
existence of the same has become seriously impaired; and
WHEREAS, This State has from time to time enacted legisla-
tion for the protection of this great resource and industry; and
WHEREAS, The State of Virginia contains the mouth and
a large, proportion of said Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries,
and has failed to enact adequate legislation for the protection
of said fish and the industries incident thereto, which causes
legislation for the protection of migratory fish on the part of
the State of Maryland to be largely futile; and
WHEREAS, The unlimited extension of nets across the waters
of said Bay not only hinders the passage of spawning fish to
the upper regions of the Chesapeake and its tributaries, but
said nets are, also, a dangerous and troublesome hindrance to
navigation; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the United States Senators and Congress-
men of Maryland are petitioned by the Assembly of Maryland
to aid by all honorable means the passage of legislation tend-
ing to make uniform the laws protecting the migratory fish
of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries by Federal super-
vision and restriction; and be it further
Resolved, That the attention of the War Department of the
United States is also respectfully directed to this matter, and
it is hereby petitioned to restrict the length of the extension
of nets into said Bay and its tributaries, thus enhancing the
safety of vessels engaged in commerce in these waters; and
be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to each of
the United States Senators and Congressmen representing the