L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
Paffed Janua-
ry 20.
An ACT to authorife the Patowmack company to receive tolls on
produce carried through the canal at the Great Falls, and lor
other purpofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the Patowmack company have by their petition fet forth
to this general affembly, that they have at great expence removed
moft of the obftructions In the Patowmack river, from Savage river
to tide water, except thole at the Great Falls; that confiderable quantities of
produce are now brought down by boats to Williams-Port, Watt's Branch, and
the Great Falls, by which much time, labour and expence, are faved to the
owners of fuch produce; that many articles are now tranfported through the
locks at the Little Falls without paying any toll whatever; that the company,
to facilitate the tranfportation of produce down fa id river, have conftructed an
inclined plain from the lower end of the canal to the furface of the river below
the Great Falls, by means of which machine all articles can be let down, and
thofe not of great bulk or weight taken up, with fecurity and difpatch; that a
warehoufe is alfo provided for ftoring fuch articles when found neceffary, or when
boats are not ready for tranfporting faid produce down the faid river; that thole
now navigating the faid river receive great benefit from the improvement of the
navigation by the labour and expenditures of faid company, they conceive it to
be juft and reafonable that they fhould make fome compensation for the benefits
received; all which appears to be reafonable; therefore,
received at
cheague, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the Patow-
mack company be and hereby are authorised and empowered to receive, at or
near the mouth of Conococheague, the tolls payable at that place on articles
tranfported thither, alfo the tolls payable at Watt's Branch and the Great Falls,
upon all articles brought down to thofe places, or either of them, in the fame
manner as if the locks at the Great Falls were now complete, and alfo to re-
ceive the tolls upon fuch articles as are brought up the river to the Great Falls;
provided that the faid company, at their own expence, carry all produce brought
to the faid inclined plain down or up the fame, as the cafe may be, and, if re-
quired, ftore the faid produce, or deliver it along fide the faid boats in which it
is intended to be carried down the river, at their own rifk and coft.
And at the
Little Falls,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid Patowmack company be authorifed and
empowered, and are hereby authorifed and empowered, to receive on all articles
tranfported through the locks finifhed and completed at the Little Falls, the
lame rates and tolls payable on faid articles at Hook's Falls, and at or near the
mouth of Conococheague, provided fuch articles have not before paid any tolls
at any other place in faid river above the faid Little Falls.
Time further
extended, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the time for completing the navigation of Pa-
towmack river be and is hereby further extended until the firft day of January,
eighteen hundred and three, and that no privilege or advantage granted by law
fhall be forfeited or loft in cafe the navigation aforefaid fhall be finifhed within
the time hereby limitted, any thing in any act to the contrary notwithftanding.
An ACT to afcertain the allowance to jurymen and witneffes of
the general court, and the feveral county and orphans courts in
this ftate.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That there fhall be
allowed to each grand and petit juryman attending the general court on,
the weftern and eaftern fhores of this ftate the fum of two dollars and
fifty cents for each and every day fuch grand and petit juryman fhall attend for
the difcharge of his duty, befide itinerant charges.
Treasurers to
II. And be it enacted, That from and after the commencement of this act,
the treafurers of the weftern and eaftern fhores, or either of them, fhall and they
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