J O H N H. S T O N E, Efquire, Governor.
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and
amend the public roads in Harford county.
Paffed De-
cember 24,
WHEREAS by an act palled at November feffion, feventeen hundred
and ninety-three, entitled, A fupplement to an act, entitled, An act
to ftreighten and amend the public roads in Harford county, and for
other purpofes, three perfons were appointed by the juftices of the levy court in
faid county to lay out, mark and bound, fuch roads in faid county as in the ori-
ginal act were intended to be laid out, and as fhould to the faid juftices be confi-
dered neceffary: And whereas the perfons fo appointed proceeded, among other
roads, to lay out, mark and bound, a certain road known by the name of the
Conojoholah, leading over Slate ridge until it interfects the Pennfylvania line, and
a certain other road laid out, marked and bounded, from Coop's-town to Han-
na way's mill, and from thence through the plantation of a certain Lloyd Marfh
till it interfects a road leading to Baltimore: And whereas another road was kid
out by the commiffioners appointed by the directions of the original act to which
this is a further fupplement, leading from the upper crofs roads to the White-
houfe, and it being reprefented to this general affembly, that fundry inhabitants
of faid county are much aggrieved by reafon of the aforefaid roads being fo laid
out as aforefaid; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the levy court
in Harford county be and they are hereby empowered and directed to appoint,
by warrant under their hands, feven perfons, freeholders and residents in faid
county, to review the above defcribed roads, which faid perfons, fo appointed as
aforefaid, fhall and they are hereby directed and required, as foon as conveniently
may be thereafter, to meet, examine and review, the above defcribed roads as laid
out, marked and bounded, as aforefaid, and if, upon fuch review, they in their
judgments fhall be of opinion that the above defcribed roads, as laid out as afore-
faid, ought to be altered, then they are hereby required to lay out, furvey, mark
and bound, the above defcribed roads, arid make return thereof agreeably to the
directions and regulations of the original act to which this is a further fupple-
ment, and the faid court, if they fhall approve of the fame, thereupon fhall di-
red the faid roads fo laid out to be cleared and amended in the fame manner as
is directed by the faid original act.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid perfons, appointed under and in virtue
of this act, fhall, before they proceed to exercife the powers hereby given, take
the oath prefcribed by the faid original act, and fhall have the fame allowance as
the original commiffioners appointed under the original act for their actual fer-
Levy court to
appoint per-
fons, &c.
Who fhall
take an oath,
IV. And be it enacted, That this act fhall continue and be in force until the
fift day of October next, and until the next feffion of affembly thereafter.
An additional fupplementary act to the act, entitled, An act for
the marking of highways, and making the heads of rivers,
creeks, branches and fwamps, paffable for horfe and foot.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS the ad, entitled, An act for the marking of highways, and
making the heads of rivers, creeks, branches and fwamps, payable
for horfe and foot, and the fupplementary acts thereto, authorife the
overfeers of the highways to cut down trees of a certain defcription for the
making of and repairing bridges over the heads of rivers, creeks, branches,
fwamps, or other low and miry places, and no provision being made by any of
the faid acts for making the proprietors of the fame any compenfation therefor;
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That any perfon
whofe trees or wood fhall be cut down or ufed for the purpofe of making or
Perfons to be