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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 29   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


June laft, and the faid rules, judgments, procefs and proceedings, had been duly
continued by regular and lawful adjournments from time to time.


III. And, whereas the juftices of faid court, notwithstanding the difcontinu-
ance aforefaid, have fince tranfacted the ordinary bufinefs of faid court; therefore,
Be it enacted, That all the rules, judgments, entries, acts, procefs and proceed-
ings, made and rendered by the juftices of faid court fince the faid fecond Tuef-
day of June laft, either in cafes then depending or fince commenced, fhall be and
the fame are hereby made as valid and effectual as if the faid court had met at
the time to which the fame flood adjourned.

Rules, &c.
made valid.

IV. And be it enacted, That the register of wills of the faid county for the
time being, fhall and may, at all times hereafter, in the abfence of the juftices of
faid orphans court, on any day to which faid court may ftand or be adjourned,
call and adjourn the fame for any number of days not exceeding ten, notice of
which adjournment, when made, it is hereby declared to be the duty of the re-

gifter to give to the refpective juftices of the orphans court;


Regifter may
call and ad-
journ court,

An ACT for laying out a road by Banker's mill, in Frederick

Paffed De-
cember 24.

WHEREAS fundry inhabitants of Frederick county, by their petition
to this general affembly, have ftated, that great inconveniencies are
fuftained by them for the want of a public highway from Erb's hill,
by Banker's mill, towards a road of Pennfylvania leading from Hanover-town to
Maryland, and that the opening fuch a road would greatly facilitate the tranf-
portation of their produce to market, without any material injury to any of the
citizens of this ftate; and the faid facts being eftablifhed to the fatisfaction of the
general affembly,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Stephen Win-
chefter, Jofhua Gift and David Shriver, junior, of Frederick county, or any two
of them, fhall be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners to furvey, lay out
and open, a public road, not exceeding forty feet in width clear of ditches, from
Erb's hill, by Banker's mill, to interfect the ftate line at the place where the road
from Hanover-town, in Pennfylvania, towards Banker's mill, interacts the faid
ftate line, in the direction which will beft fuit the fituation of the ground, and
anfwer the purpofes of this act; and a plot of the faid road, when fo furveyed
and laid out, fhall be returned to the levy court of Frederick county to be record-
ed, and fhall for ever thereafter be deemed and taken to be a public highway, and
repaired and improved in the fame manner as other public roads in the faid


ers appointed,

III. And be it enacted, That any damage fuftained by any perfon or perfons
whatfoever by the opening of the road aforefaid, fhall be afcertained and deter-
mined by the juftices of the levy court, and the amount thereof paid and fatisfied
in the manner directed by the act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend the
feveral public roads in feveral counties, and for other purpofes therein mentioned,
and the fupplement thereto, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and
ninety-one; and the faid road fhall, in all other refpects, be fubject to the regu-
lations contained in, and entitled to the benefits conferred by, the faid act and
fupplement, and the act, entitled, An act relating to public roads in this ftate,
and to repeal the acts of affembly therein mentioned.


Damage to
be afcertain-
ed, &c.

An ACT to confirm and make valid the proceedings of the levy-
court of Montgomery county.
WHEREAS the levy court of Montgomery county flood adjourned to
a certain day in Auguft laft, and from exceffive rains on that day
the juftices of faid court could not meet agreeable to adjournment :

Paffed De-
cember 24.


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Session Laws, 1795
Volume 647, Page 29   View pdf image
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