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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 16   View pdf image
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III. Provided, That nothing in this act contained fhall have any operation or
construction in law, in any manner, to affect the debts or claims of prefent or
future creditors, or of prefent or future fecurities who may hereafter be cre-
ditors of the faid Legh Mafter.

Paffed De-

cember 26.


An ACT to authorife and empower the levy court of Montgome-
ry county to affefs and levy annually a fum of money for the
purpofes therein mentioned.
WHEREAS John Ferrel, of Montgomery county, by his petition to
this general affembly hath fet forth, that he is an extreme poor man;
that he hath a wife and five fmall children, two of which, to wit,
the eldeft, a girl of about thirteen, and the youngeft, a boy of upwards of two
years old, and both deaf and dumb; that hitherto by hard labour he has been
enabled to find bread for his family, but in addition to the above affliction of his
children, he hath himfelf of late been very infirm and fickly; and prays an act
may pafs to provide for the fupport of his two unfortunate children, out of the
poor-houfe; and the facts ftated in faid petition appearing true,

Juftices to le-
vy money,

II. And be it enacted, ty the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices
of Montgomery county fhall be and they are hereby directed and empowered, at
their levy courts annually, fo long as they may fee caufe, to affefs and levy on
faid county a fum of money, not exceeding twenty pounds, for the fupport and
maintenance of the aforefaid two unfortunate children, and that the fame be col-
lected and paid annually to the faid John Ferrel by the collector of Montgomery

Paffed De-
cember 26,


An ACT to erect a town in Queen-Anne's county.

WHEREAS fundry inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county have, by their
humble petition to this general affembly, fet forth, that the owners
of the land at the new court-houfe of the faid county have furyeyed
and faid out a quantity thereof into acre lots, the greater part of which are al-
ready purchafed up and improved, and have prayed that the faid furvey of lots
may be erected into a town: And whereas the prayer of the faid petitioners ap-
pears to be reafonable; therefore,

ers appointed,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Richard Hall,
Henry Story, William Hopper, Emory Sudler, junior, John Wells, Jofeph Hop-
per Nicholfon and Richard Tilghman Earle, fhall be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commiffioners, and they, or the major part of them, are hereby autho-
rifed and required carefully to furvey, divide, lay out and plot, all the land com-
prized in the furvey of lots made by the original owners as aforefaid, by the fur-
veyor of the county, or fuch other perfon as they, or a majority of them, fhall
appoint for that purpofe, into lots of not lefs than one half acre each, allowing
fuch fufficient fpace for ftreets, lanes and alleys, as to them fhall feem meet and
proper, and the fame lots, fo faid out, fhall number with numbers one, two,
three, and fo on, for diftinguifhing each lot from the other, and fhall caufe the
faid ftreets, lanes and alleys, to be named by certain names, and the faid lots to
be butted and bounded by good and fufficient cedar or locuft pofts or ftones, and
the expence of procuring and fetting up the fame fhall be paid as herein after

Lots erected,
into a town,

III. And be it enacted, That the faid lots, when they are furveyed and faid
out by the commiffioners aforefaid, fhall be and are hereby erected into a
town, to be called Centreville; and the faid commiffioners are hereby directed to
return a correct and accurate certificate and plot of the faid lots to the clerk of
Queen-Anne's county court, who is hereby required to record the fame among
the land records of the faid county, and to keep the original certificate and plot
in his office, and a certified copy of the original, or the recprd thereif, fhall be

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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 16   View pdf image
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