C H A P.
authorifed and empowered to choofe and fix on fome proper and convenient fpot
of ground, within the limits of the faid town, for the erection of a market-
houfe, and fhall contract for and purchafe the fame, or any part thereof, which
may he deemed fufficient for the purpofe aforefaid; and in cafe the owner or pro-
prietor of the faid ground fhall refufe to fell or difpofe of fuch ground, fo pitched
upon and chofen by the commiffioners as aforefaid, then the faid commiffioners
fhall have full power and authority to condemn fo much of the faid ground as
will be fufficient for the purpofe aforefaid, and fhall iffue a warrant to the fheriff
of Dorchefter county to fummon a jury of twelve judicious difinterefted perfons,
of the county, having no affeffable property within the faid town; and the faid
jury fhall meet at the town of Cambridge, upon fuch day as the faid fheriff fhall
appoint, (of which appointment notice fhall be given to the proprietor of the
ground thus condemned,) and having firft taken an oath or affirmation, (as the
cafe may be,) to be adminiftered by the faid fheriff, without partiality or preju-
dice to value the faid ground, and the damages fuftained by the owner or owners
by means of fuch condemnation, according to the beft of their fkill and judg-
ment, fhall proceed to make fuch valuation; and the faid jury, in eftimating
fuch value and damages, fhall take into confideration, not only the actual value
of the ground fo condemned, but alfo any injury that may be done by means
thereof to any other property of the faid owner; and the faid fheriff fhall return
the valuation aforefaid in writing, under his hand and feal, and the hands and
feals of the jury, to the faid commiffioners, to be recorded among the land re-
cords of Dorchefter county; the faid fheriff and jury to be allowed the fame fees
for their fervices and attendance as in cafes of attendance upon the county court;
and the fum agreed to be paid by the commiffioners to the owner or owners of
faid fpot of ground, fo purchafed by them, or the fum to which fuch fpot of
ground, fo condemned and appraifed as aforefaid, and the expences of fuch valua-
tion, fhall amount, fhall be levied upon the affeffable property in faid town, and
when collected by the faid commiffioners, fhall be paid by them to the owner or
owners of fuch condemned ground, or his, her or their legal reprefentatives; and
fuch condemnation, valuation, recording and payment, or tender of payment,
for the faid ground, fhall veft an abfolute eftate in fee-fimple in the faid com-
miffioners. for the ufe of the faid town, and for the purpofes aforefaid, for ever;
provided however, that fuch condemned ground fhall not be taken out of the
poffeffion of the proprietor until fuch payment fhall be paid or tendered; and the
faid commiffioners fhall be and they are hereby authorifed to contract with fome
proper perfon or perfons, upon the moft reafonable terms, to build and erect upon
the aforefaid fpot of ground a good and fufficient market-houfe, and the fum to
which the faid building fhall amount, fhall be affeffed and levied in the manner
as aforefaid.
Market days
fet apart, &c.
XII. And be it enacted, That from and after one month after the faid market-
houfe fhall be finifhed and received by the commiffioners aforefaid, the Tuefday
and Saturday of every week fhall thereafter be fet apart, appointed and held as
market-days within the limits of the faid town, fubject however to be changed
by the faid commiffioners; and that all provifions whatfoever brought to the faid
town for fale, after the erection and receipt of the market-houfe as aforefaid,
fhall be taken or carried to the public market-houfe of the faid town, and there
be fold or offered for fale, at the market-hours, which are hereby eftablifhed to
be from any time in the morning of the faid days until twelve o'clock at noon ;
provided always, that fifh or oyfters, or beef by the quarter or larger quantity,
or pork by the hog or hogs, or any kind of grain, flour and bread, or butter in
firkins, or other veffels exceeding twenty pounds net weight, or cheefe, or beef
and pork in barrels or larger cafks, or live cattle, fheep and hogs, refpectively
brought to the faid town or market upon the days aforefaid, or on any other days
except Sunday, may be fold, bartered, or otherwife difpofed of, in the fame man-
ner as if this act had not been paffed.
Penalty on
perfons buy-
ing out of
market, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That if any free inhabitant of the faid town fhall
prefume to buy, or caufe to be bought, any article of provifions, of any perfon
or perfons bringing, or having brought, to the faid town, or within two miles
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