(1958 Supplement), title "State Department of Public Welfare",
relating to the payment of the contributions required for em-
ployees of the State Department of Public Welfare and of the
several local departments of public welfare and of the Depart-
ment of Public Welfare of Baltimore City to obtain for such
employees the benefits of the system operating under the pro-
visions of the Social Security Act.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That sub-section (b-1) of Section 13 of Article 88A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1958 Supplement), title "State Department of
Public Welfare", be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted,
with amendments, to read as follows:
(b-1) Each of the twenty-three county welfare boards shall pay
to the Employees' Retirement System of the State of Maryland,
annually an amount equal to twenty percentum (20%) of the total
amount which is required for that year as the State's or employer's
contributions to the Retirement System and the System operating
under the provisions of the Social Security Act of the United States
for the employees of each county, respectively; and the contri-
butions by the State to the Retirement System and the System
operating under the provisions of the Social Security Act shall be
accordingly reduced. [This payment] These payments shall be part
of the administrative costs of the County Welfare Board to be paid
from funds derived from local sources. If the ratio of administrative
costs paid from funds derived from local sources varies from time
to time to a percentage greater or less than twenty percentum
(20%), the payment by the county of a proportion of the contri-
butions to the Retirement System and the System operating under
the provisions of the Social Security Act shall be changed accord-
In consideration of the membership of the employees of the
Department of Public Welfare of Baltimore City in the Employees'
Retirement System of the City of Baltimore, there shall be included
in the State Budget each year an appropriation item to reimburse
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in an amount equal to
eighty percentum (80%) of the contribution by the City of Baltimore
for that year to the Employees' Retirement System of the City of
Baltimore for such positions in Baltimore City; but the annual
reimbursement by the State shall never exceed eighty percentum
(80%) of the amount which would be contributed for that year by
the State to the Employees' Retirement System of the State of
Maryland for such positions if they were included in the Employees'
Retirement System of the State of Maryland. If the ratio of ad-
ministrative costs paid from State and Federal funds varies from
time to time to a percentage greater or less than eighty percentum
(80%), the payment by the State of a proportion of such expense
incurred by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall be
changed accordingly.
There shall also be included in the State Budget each year an
appropriation item to reimburse the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore in an amount equal to eighty percentum (80%) of the
total amount of money paid by the Mayor and City Council of