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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 117   View pdf image
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plement and the several supplements thereto,) under the penalty of
fifty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered in the name
of the state, for the use of the informer, before a justice of the
peace, as small debts are recoverable.
3. And be it enacted, That the warrant or license of any pilot to
act as such, granted to him by the said board, or which hereafter
may be granted to him, upon his removal out of the state, shall
become null and void, the evidence whereof shall be the public
declaration of said board to that effect, published in two or more
of the newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore.
4. And be it enacted, That no person shall be entitled to a war-
rant or license as a pilot unless he shall satisfy the said board that
he has served or been employed at leant three years in the business
of piloting in the Chesapeake bay.
5. And be it enacted, That no person shall employ his vessel as a
pilot boat unless he is a licensed pilot, and follows that occupation,
under the penalty of fifty dollars for every offence, to be recovered
as herein before provided.

CHAP. 188.

Warrants granted
to pilots to be void
upon their remo-
val out of state.

. No person entitled
to a warrant un-
less he has served
three years in the
business of pilot-

No person to em-
ploy his vessel as

a pilot boat unless

he is licensed.

chapter 189.
An act authorising the Judges of the Orphans Court to bind
out the Children of Free Negroes and Mulattoes.
Sec.1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the judges of the orphans court of the several counties in
this state, are authorised in their discretion, on information being
given, or whenever it comes to their own knowledge, that there
are any child or children of free negroes or mulattoes not at ser-
vice or learning a trade, or employed in the service of their pa-
rents, to bind and put out such child or children to some useful
trade or service, on the same terms and conditions that orphan
children are now subject to be bound out, only that the term of
service of a female may be extended to the age of eighteen years;
and that the judges aforesaid may require as a condition in any in-
denture, that the said child or children shall be taught to read or
write, or in lieu thereof a sum not exceeding thirty dollars shall
be allowed in addition to the freedom dues required by law.
2. And be it enacted, That before the said judges shall proceed
to bind out any child or children of the description aforesaid, they
shall cause a summons to be issued, requiring the parent or parents
of such child or children to appear before the said judges on the
day when it is intended to bind out such child or children, and that
the said judges shall in all cases consult and gratify the inclinati-
ons of the parent or parents of such child or children, in respect
to their choice of a master or mistress, so far as it may seem just
and reasonable.

Passed Feb 17 1819

Orphans court au-
thorised to bind
out such children.

Before binding
them out to sum-
mon parents to
appear, &c.


An act for the benefit of the Rockville Roman Catholic
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the Rock-
ville Roman Catholic Congregation, that they have omitted to elect
trustees of the said congregation according to the plan and regula-
tion of the said congregation as heretofore recorded; therefore,

Passed Feb 17 1819


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Session Laws, 1818
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