defeat or affect any right, title or claim, to the said property, or
any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or per-
sons whatever before the passage of this act; And provided also,
that the said John Shirk shall, within twelve, months after he is
capable of becoming a citizen, naturalize himself agreeable to
the laws of the United States; but if the said John Shirk should
die, before he becomes naturalized, nothing in this proviso shall
prevent him from transmitting or transferring his said property,
by descent or devise, to any person or persons, being a citizen or
citizens of the United States, and residing therein, capable in
law to hold the same.
Dec. Ses. 1816
An act to Incorporate the Phoenix Fire Insurance Com-
pany of Maryland.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Daniel Howland, Robert Smith, Charles Gwinn, James
Barroll, James Sterrett, Samuel Hollingsworth, Andrew Craw-
ford. John Hathaway, William & P. S. Hartshorne, Robert Bar-
ry, Michael M'Blair, James A. Buchanan, Thomas Parker, John
Hollins, John Smith Hollins, Robert Purviance, William S.
Moore, B. T. Vonkapff, F. W. Brune, Hollingsworth & Wor-
thington, John Gooding, R. H. Douglass, P. Eisenbrey, Joseph
Todhunter, Isaac Edmondson, William Wilkins, Joseph Wil-
kins, William Penniman, Cumberland Dugan, John Quarles, Ly-
dia Husband, Justus Hoppe, Joseph P. Plummer, Christopher
Deshon, Martin F. Maher, William Young, Elisha Browne, Ja-
cob Adams, William Baker, Jun. Thomas Sheppard, William
Husband, D'Arcy & Didier, J. E. C. Schultze, H. W. Evans, Jo-
seph Townsend, James Corningham, William and Charles Win-
chester, William Browne, David Warfield, Francis D. M'Hen-
ry, Richard H. Jones, Isaac N. Toy, Joseph Cox, Thomas
Armstrong, J. B. Bosley, Micajah Alley, John Frick, Thomas
B. Baker. Jacob Lindenberger, George M'Dowell, Theophilus
Burrill, William Wilson, Jun. William M'Donald & Son, James
Ogleby, Nicholas Dubois, William Lyon, Amos Browne, Jesse
Hunt, Dallam & Street, William Street, Thomas Ellicott, Jun.
George Lindenberger, Samuel R. Turner, Samuel F. Merritt,
Thomas Hedrick, Joseph King, Jun. William Cole and Henry
Payson, and such other persons as shall hereafter become stock-
holders in the said corporation, shall be, and are hereby created
and declared to be, a body politic and corporate, by the name,
style and title of The Phoenix Fire Insurance Company of Ma-
ryland, and by the same name shall have perpetual succession,
and shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in
all courts of law or equity in this state, or elsewhere; and to
make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter and
renew at their pleasure; and also to ordain and establish such
by-laws ordinances and regulations, as shall appear necessary
for regulating the concerns of the said corporation, not being con-
trary to this act, or the constitution and laws of this state or of
the United States.
Passed Dec. 13
Company in-